- Get - Class in org.icatproject
Java class for get complex type.
- Get() - Constructor for class org.icatproject.Get
- get(String, String, long) - Method in interface org.icatproject.ICAT
- getAdvancedSearchDetails() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.SearchByAdvanced
Gets the value of the advancedSearchDetails property.
- GetApiVersion - Class in org.icatproject
Java class for getApiVersion complex type.
- GetApiVersion() - Constructor for class org.icatproject.GetApiVersion
- getApiVersion() - Method in interface org.icatproject.ICAT
- GetApiVersionResponse - Class in org.icatproject
Java class for getApiVersionResponse complex type.
- GetApiVersionResponse() - Constructor for class org.icatproject.GetApiVersionResponse
- getApplication() - Method in class org.icatproject.Job
Gets the value of the application property.
- getApplication() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Job
Gets the value of the application property.
- getArg0() - Method in class org.icatproject.Dummy
Gets the value of the arg0 property.
- getArg1() - Method in class org.icatproject.Dummy
Gets the value of the arg1 property.
- getArg10() - Method in class org.icatproject.Dummy
Gets the value of the arg10 property.
- getArg11() - Method in class org.icatproject.Dummy
Gets the value of the arg11 property.
- getArg12() - Method in class org.icatproject.Dummy
Gets the value of the arg12 property.
- getArg13() - Method in class org.icatproject.Dummy
Gets the value of the arg13 property.
- getArg14() - Method in class org.icatproject.Dummy
Gets the value of the arg14 property.
- getArg15() - Method in class org.icatproject.Dummy
Gets the value of the arg15 property.
- getArg16() - Method in class org.icatproject.Dummy
Gets the value of the arg16 property.
- getArg17() - Method in class org.icatproject.Dummy
Gets the value of the arg17 property.
- getArg18() - Method in class org.icatproject.Dummy
Gets the value of the arg18 property.
- getArg19() - Method in class org.icatproject.Dummy
Gets the value of the arg19 property.
- getArg2() - Method in class org.icatproject.Dummy
Gets the value of the arg2 property.
- getArg20() - Method in class org.icatproject.Dummy
Gets the value of the arg20 property.
- getArg21() - Method in class org.icatproject.Dummy
Gets the value of the arg21 property.
- getArg22() - Method in class org.icatproject.Dummy
Gets the value of the arg22 property.
- getArg23() - Method in class org.icatproject.Dummy
Gets the value of the arg23 property.
- getArg24() - Method in class org.icatproject.Dummy
Gets the value of the arg24 property.
- getArg25() - Method in class org.icatproject.Dummy
Gets the value of the arg25 property.
- getArg26() - Method in class org.icatproject.Dummy
Gets the value of the arg26 property.
- getArg27() - Method in class org.icatproject.Dummy
Gets the value of the arg27 property.
- getArg28() - Method in class org.icatproject.Dummy
Gets the value of the arg28 property.
- getArg29() - Method in class org.icatproject.Dummy
Gets the value of the arg29 property.
- getArg3() - Method in class org.icatproject.Dummy
Gets the value of the arg3 property.
- getArg30() - Method in class org.icatproject.Dummy
Gets the value of the arg30 property.
- getArg31() - Method in class org.icatproject.Dummy
Gets the value of the arg31 property.
- getArg32() - Method in class org.icatproject.Dummy
Gets the value of the arg32 property.
- getArg4() - Method in class org.icatproject.Dummy
Gets the value of the arg4 property.
- getArg5() - Method in class org.icatproject.Dummy
Gets the value of the arg5 property.
- getArg6() - Method in class org.icatproject.Dummy
Gets the value of the arg6 property.
- getArg7() - Method in class org.icatproject.Dummy
Gets the value of the arg7 property.
- getArg8() - Method in class org.icatproject.Dummy
Gets the value of the arg8 property.
- getArg9() - Method in class org.icatproject.Dummy
Gets the value of the arg9 property.
- getBean() - Method in class org.icatproject.Create
Gets the value of the bean property.
- getBean() - Method in class org.icatproject.Delete
Gets the value of the bean property.
- getBean() - Method in class org.icatproject.Update
Gets the value of the bean property.
- getBeanName() - Method in class org.icatproject.GetEntityInfo
Gets the value of the beanName property.
- getBeans() - Method in class org.icatproject.CreateMany
Gets the value of the beans property.
- getBeans() - Method in class org.icatproject.DeleteMany
Gets the value of the beans property.
- getChecksum() - Method in class org.icatproject.Datafile
Gets the value of the checksum property.
- getChecksum() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Datafile
Gets the value of the checksum property.
- getClassComment() - Method in class org.icatproject.EntityInfo
Gets the value of the classComment property.
- getComment() - Method in class org.icatproject.EntityField
Gets the value of the comment property.
- getComment() - Method in class org.icatproject.Shift
Gets the value of the comment property.
- getComment() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Shift
Gets the value of the comment property.
- getConstraints() - Method in class org.icatproject.EntityInfo
Gets the value of the constraints property.
- getCreateId() - Method in class org.icatproject.EntityBaseBean
Gets the value of the createId property.
- getCreateId() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.EntityBaseBean
Gets the value of the createId property.
- getCreateTime() - Method in class org.icatproject.EntityBaseBean
Gets the value of the createTime property.
- getCreateTime() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.EntityBaseBean
Gets the value of the createTime property.
- getCredentials() - Method in class org.icatproject.Login
Gets the value of the credentials property.
- getCrudFlags() - Method in class org.icatproject.NotificationRequest
Gets the value of the crudFlags property.
- getCrudFlags() - Method in class org.icatproject.Rule
Gets the value of the crudFlags property.
- getCrudFlags() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Rule
Gets the value of the crudFlags property.
- getDatafile() - Method in class org.icatproject.DatafileParameter
Gets the value of the datafile property.
- getDatafile() - Method in class org.icatproject.InputDatafile
Gets the value of the datafile property.
- getDatafile() - Method in class org.icatproject.OutputDatafile
Gets the value of the datafile property.
- getDatafile() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.DatafileParameter
Gets the value of the datafile property.
- getDatafile() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.InputDatafile
Gets the value of the datafile property.
- getDatafile() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.OutputDatafile
Gets the value of the datafile property.
- getDatafileCreateTime() - Method in class org.icatproject.Datafile
Gets the value of the datafileCreateTime property.
- getDatafileCreateTime() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Datafile
Gets the value of the datafileCreateTime property.
- getDatafileFormat() - Method in class org.icatproject.Datafile
Gets the value of the datafileFormat property.
- getDatafileFormat() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Datafile
Gets the value of the datafileFormat property.
- getDatafileFormats() - Method in class org.icatproject.Facility
Gets the value of the datafileFormats property.
- getDatafileFormats() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Facility
Gets the value of the datafileFormats property.
- getDatafileModTime() - Method in class org.icatproject.Datafile
Gets the value of the datafileModTime property.
- getDatafileModTime() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Datafile
Gets the value of the datafileModTime property.
- getDatafileName() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.AdvancedSearchDetails
Gets the value of the datafileName property.
- getDatafileParameters() - Method in class org.icatproject.ParameterType
Gets the value of the datafileParameters property.
- getDatafileParameters() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.ParameterType
Gets the value of the datafileParameters property.
- getDatafiles() - Method in class org.icatproject.DatafileFormat
Gets the value of the datafiles property.
- getDatafiles() - Method in class org.icatproject.Dataset
Gets the value of the datafiles property.
- getDatafiles() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.DatafileFormat
Gets the value of the datafiles property.
- getDatafiles() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Dataset
Gets the value of the datafiles property.
- getDataset() - Method in class org.icatproject.Datafile
Gets the value of the dataset property.
- getDataset() - Method in class org.icatproject.DatasetParameter
Gets the value of the dataset property.
- getDataset() - Method in class org.icatproject.InputDataset
Gets the value of the dataset property.
- getDataset() - Method in class org.icatproject.OutputDataset
Gets the value of the dataset property.
- getDataset() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Datafile
Gets the value of the dataset property.
- getDataset() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.DatasetParameter
Gets the value of the dataset property.
- getDataset() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.InputDataset
Gets the value of the dataset property.
- getDataset() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.OutputDataset
Gets the value of the dataset property.
- getDatasetParameters() - Method in class org.icatproject.ParameterType
Gets the value of the datasetParameters property.
- getDatasetParameters() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.ParameterType
Gets the value of the datasetParameters property.
- getDatasets() - Method in class org.icatproject.DatasetType
Gets the value of the datasets property.
- getDatasets() - Method in class org.icatproject.Investigation
Gets the value of the datasets property.
- getDatasets() - Method in class org.icatproject.Sample
Gets the value of the datasets property.
- getDatasets() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.DatasetType
Gets the value of the datasets property.
- getDatasets() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Investigation
Gets the value of the datasets property.
- getDatasets() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Sample
Gets the value of the datasets property.
- getDatasetTypes() - Method in class org.icatproject.Facility
Gets the value of the datasetTypes property.
- getDatasetTypes() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Facility
Gets the value of the datasetTypes property.
- getDatatypes() - Method in class org.icatproject.NotificationRequest
Gets the value of the datatypes property.
- getDateRangeEnd() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.AdvancedSearchDetails
Gets the value of the dateRangeEnd property.
- getDateRangeStart() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.AdvancedSearchDetails
Gets the value of the dateRangeStart property.
- getDateTimeValue() - Method in class org.icatproject.Parameter
Gets the value of the dateTimeValue property.
- getDateTimeValue() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Parameter
Gets the value of the dateTimeValue property.
- getDaysUntilRelease() - Method in class org.icatproject.Facility
Gets the value of the daysUntilRelease property.
- getDaysUntilRelease() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Facility
Gets the value of the daysUntilRelease property.
- getDescription() - Method in class org.icatproject.Datafile
Gets the value of the description property.
- getDescription() - Method in class org.icatproject.DatafileFormat
Gets the value of the description property.
- getDescription() - Method in class org.icatproject.Dataset
Gets the value of the description property.
- getDescription() - Method in class org.icatproject.DatasetType
Gets the value of the description property.
- getDescription() - Method in class org.icatproject.Facility
Gets the value of the description property.
- getDescription() - Method in class org.icatproject.FacilityCycle
Gets the value of the description property.
- getDescription() - Method in class org.icatproject.Instrument
Gets the value of the description property.
- getDescription() - Method in class org.icatproject.InvestigationType
Gets the value of the description property.
- getDescription() - Method in class org.icatproject.ParameterType
Gets the value of the description property.
- getDescription() - Method in class org.icatproject.Study
Gets the value of the description property.
- getDescription() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Datafile
Gets the value of the description property.
- getDescription() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.DatafileFormat
Gets the value of the description property.
- getDescription() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Dataset
Gets the value of the description property.
- getDescription() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.DatasetType
Gets the value of the description property.
- getDescription() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Facility
Gets the value of the description property.
- getDescription() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.FacilityCycle
Gets the value of the description property.
- getDescription() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Instrument
Gets the value of the description property.
- getDescription() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.InvestigationType
Gets the value of the description property.
- getDescription() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.ParameterType
Gets the value of the description property.
- getDescription() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Study
Gets the value of the description property.
- getDestDatafile() - Method in class org.icatproject.RelatedDatafile
Gets the value of the destDatafile property.
- getDestDatafile() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.RelatedDatafile
Gets the value of the destDatafile property.
- getDestDatafiles() - Method in class org.icatproject.Datafile
Gets the value of the destDatafiles property.
- getDestDatafiles() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Datafile
Gets the value of the destDatafiles property.
- getDestType() - Method in class org.icatproject.NotificationRequest
Gets the value of the destType property.
- getDoi() - Method in class org.icatproject.Datafile
Gets the value of the doi property.
- getDoi() - Method in class org.icatproject.Dataset
Gets the value of the doi property.
- getDoi() - Method in class org.icatproject.Investigation
Gets the value of the doi property.
- getDoi() - Method in class org.icatproject.Publication
Gets the value of the doi property.
- getDoi() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Datafile
Gets the value of the doi property.
- getDoi() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Dataset
Gets the value of the doi property.
- getDoi() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Investigation
Gets the value of the doi property.
- getDoi() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Publication
Gets the value of the doi property.
- getEndDate() - Method in class org.icatproject.Dataset
Gets the value of the endDate property.
- getEndDate() - Method in class org.icatproject.FacilityCycle
Gets the value of the endDate property.
- getEndDate() - Method in class org.icatproject.Investigation
Gets the value of the endDate property.
- getEndDate() - Method in class org.icatproject.Shift
Gets the value of the endDate property.
- getEndDate() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Dataset
Gets the value of the endDate property.
- getEndDate() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.FacilityCycle
Gets the value of the endDate property.
- getEndDate() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Investigation
Gets the value of the endDate property.
- getEndDate() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Shift
Gets the value of the endDate property.
- GetEntityInfo - Class in org.icatproject
Java class for getEntityInfo complex type.
- GetEntityInfo() - Constructor for class org.icatproject.GetEntityInfo
- getEntityInfo(String) - Method in interface org.icatproject.ICAT
- GetEntityInfoResponse - Class in org.icatproject
Java class for getEntityInfoResponse complex type.
- GetEntityInfoResponse() - Constructor for class org.icatproject.GetEntityInfoResponse
- getEntry() - Method in class org.icatproject.Login.Credentials
Gets the value of the entry property.
- getError() - Method in class org.icatproject.Parameter
Gets the value of the error property.
- getError() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Parameter
Gets the value of the error property.
- getExperimentNumber() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.AdvancedSearchDetails
Gets the value of the experimentNumber property.
- getFacility() - Method in class org.icatproject.DatafileFormat
Gets the value of the facility property.
- getFacility() - Method in class org.icatproject.DatasetType
Gets the value of the facility property.
- getFacility() - Method in class org.icatproject.FacilityCycle
Gets the value of the facility property.
- getFacility() - Method in class org.icatproject.Instrument
Gets the value of the facility property.
- getFacility() - Method in class org.icatproject.Investigation
Gets the value of the facility property.
- getFacility() - Method in class org.icatproject.InvestigationType
Gets the value of the facility property.
- getFacility() - Method in class org.icatproject.ParameterType
Gets the value of the facility property.
- getFacility() - Method in class org.icatproject.SampleType
Gets the value of the facility property.
- getFacility() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.DatafileFormat
Gets the value of the facility property.
- getFacility() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.DatasetType
Gets the value of the facility property.
- getFacility() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.FacilityCycle
Gets the value of the facility property.
- getFacility() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Instrument
Gets the value of the facility property.
- getFacility() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Investigation
Gets the value of the facility property.
- getFacility() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.InvestigationType
Gets the value of the facility property.
- getFacility() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.ParameterType
Gets the value of the facility property.
- getFacility() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.SampleType
Gets the value of the facility property.
- getFacilityCycle() - Method in class org.icatproject.Investigation
Gets the value of the facilityCycle property.
- getFacilityCycle() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Investigation
Gets the value of the facilityCycle property.
- getFacilityCycles() - Method in class org.icatproject.Facility
Gets the value of the facilityCycles property.
- getFacilityCycles() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Facility
Gets the value of the facilityCycles property.
- getFaultInfo() - Method in exception org.icatproject.IcatException_Exception
- getFaultInfo() - Method in exception uk.icat3.client.SessionException_Exception
- getFieldNames() - Method in class org.icatproject.Constraint
Gets the value of the fieldNames property.
- getFields() - Method in class org.icatproject.EntityInfo
Gets the value of the fields property.
- getFileSize() - Method in class org.icatproject.Datafile
Gets the value of the fileSize property.
- getFileSize() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Datafile
Gets the value of the fileSize property.
- getFullName() - Method in class org.icatproject.Facility
Gets the value of the fullName property.
- getFullName() - Method in class org.icatproject.Instrument
Gets the value of the fullName property.
- getFullName() - Method in class org.icatproject.User
Gets the value of the fullName property.
- getFullName() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Facility
Gets the value of the fullName property.
- getFullName() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Instrument
Gets the value of the fullName property.
- getFullName() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.User
Gets the value of the fullName property.
- getFullReference() - Method in class org.icatproject.Publication
Gets the value of the fullReference property.
- getFullReference() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Publication
Gets the value of the fullReference property.
- getGroup() - Method in class org.icatproject.Rule
Gets the value of the group property.
- getGroup() - Method in class org.icatproject.UserGroup
Gets the value of the group property.
- getGroup() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Rule
Gets the value of the group property.
- getGroup() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.UserGroup
Gets the value of the group property.
- getICATCompatPort() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.ICATCompatService
- getICATCompatPort(WebServiceFeature...) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.ICATCompatService
- getICATPort() - Method in class org.icatproject.ICATService
- getICATPort(WebServiceFeature...) - Method in class org.icatproject.ICATService
- getId() - Method in class org.icatproject.EntityBaseBean
Gets the value of the id property.
- getId() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.EntityBaseBean
Gets the value of the id property.
- getInputDatafiles() - Method in class org.icatproject.Datafile
Gets the value of the inputDatafiles property.
- getInputDatafiles() - Method in class org.icatproject.Job
Gets the value of the inputDatafiles property.
- getInputDatafiles() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Datafile
Gets the value of the inputDatafiles property.
- getInputDatafiles() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Job
Gets the value of the inputDatafiles property.
- getInputDatasets() - Method in class org.icatproject.Dataset
Gets the value of the inputDatasets property.
- getInputDatasets() - Method in class org.icatproject.Job
Gets the value of the inputDatasets property.
- getInputDatasets() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Dataset
Gets the value of the inputDatasets property.
- getInputDatasets() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Job
Gets the value of the inputDatasets property.
- getInstrument() - Method in class org.icatproject.InstrumentScientist
Gets the value of the instrument property.
- getInstrument() - Method in class org.icatproject.Investigation
Gets the value of the instrument property.
- getInstrument() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.InstrumentScientist
Gets the value of the instrument property.
- getInstrument() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Investigation
Gets the value of the instrument property.
- getInstruments() - Method in class org.icatproject.Facility
Gets the value of the instruments property.
- getInstruments() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.AdvancedSearchDetails
Gets the value of the instruments property.
- getInstruments() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Facility
Gets the value of the instruments property.
- getInstrumentScientists() - Method in class org.icatproject.Instrument
Gets the value of the instrumentScientists property.
- getInstrumentScientists() - Method in class org.icatproject.User
Gets the value of the instrumentScientists property.
- getInstrumentScientists() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Instrument
Gets the value of the instrumentScientists property.
- getInstrumentScientists() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.User
Gets the value of the instrumentScientists property.
- getInvestigation() - Method in class org.icatproject.Dataset
Gets the value of the investigation property.
- getInvestigation() - Method in class org.icatproject.InvestigationParameter
Gets the value of the investigation property.
- getInvestigation() - Method in class org.icatproject.InvestigationUser
Gets the value of the investigation property.
- getInvestigation() - Method in class org.icatproject.Keyword
Gets the value of the investigation property.
- getInvestigation() - Method in class org.icatproject.Publication
Gets the value of the investigation property.
- getInvestigation() - Method in class org.icatproject.Sample
Gets the value of the investigation property.
- getInvestigation() - Method in class org.icatproject.Shift
Gets the value of the investigation property.
- getInvestigation() - Method in class org.icatproject.StudyInvestigation
Gets the value of the investigation property.
- getInvestigation() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Dataset
Gets the value of the investigation property.
- getInvestigation() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.InvestigationParameter
Gets the value of the investigation property.
- getInvestigation() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.InvestigationUser
Gets the value of the investigation property.
- getInvestigation() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Keyword
Gets the value of the investigation property.
- getInvestigation() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Publication
Gets the value of the investigation property.
- getInvestigation() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Sample
Gets the value of the investigation property.
- getInvestigation() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Shift
Gets the value of the investigation property.
- getInvestigation() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.StudyInvestigation
Gets the value of the investigation property.
- getInvestigationAbstract() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.AdvancedSearchDetails
Gets the value of the investigationAbstract property.
- getInvestigationInclude() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.AdvancedSearchDetails
Gets the value of the investigationInclude property.
- getInvestigationName() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.AdvancedSearchDetails
Gets the value of the investigationName property.
- getInvestigationParameters() - Method in class org.icatproject.ParameterType
Gets the value of the investigationParameters property.
- getInvestigationParameters() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.ParameterType
Gets the value of the investigationParameters property.
- getInvestigations() - Method in class org.icatproject.Facility
Gets the value of the investigations property.
- getInvestigations() - Method in class org.icatproject.FacilityCycle
Gets the value of the investigations property.
- getInvestigations() - Method in class org.icatproject.Instrument
Gets the value of the investigations property.
- getInvestigations() - Method in class org.icatproject.InvestigationType
Gets the value of the investigations property.
- getInvestigations() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Facility
Gets the value of the investigations property.
- getInvestigations() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.FacilityCycle
Gets the value of the investigations property.
- getInvestigations() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Instrument
Gets the value of the investigations property.
- getInvestigations() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.InvestigationType
Gets the value of the investigations property.
- getInvestigationType() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.AdvancedSearchDetails
Gets the value of the investigationType property.
- getInvestigationTypes() - Method in class org.icatproject.Facility
Gets the value of the investigationTypes property.
- getInvestigationTypes() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Facility
Gets the value of the investigationTypes property.
- getInvestigationUsers() - Method in class org.icatproject.Investigation
Gets the value of the investigationUsers property.
- getInvestigationUsers() - Method in class org.icatproject.User
Gets the value of the investigationUsers property.
- getInvestigationUsers() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Investigation
Gets the value of the investigationUsers property.
- getInvestigationUsers() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.User
Gets the value of the investigationUsers property.
- getInvestigators() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.AdvancedSearchDetails
Gets the value of the investigators property.
- getJmsOptions() - Method in class org.icatproject.NotificationRequest
Gets the value of the jmsOptions property.
- getJob() - Method in class org.icatproject.InputDatafile
Gets the value of the job property.
- getJob() - Method in class org.icatproject.InputDataset
Gets the value of the job property.
- getJob() - Method in class org.icatproject.OutputDatafile
Gets the value of the job property.
- getJob() - Method in class org.icatproject.OutputDataset
Gets the value of the job property.
- getJob() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.InputDatafile
Gets the value of the job property.
- getJob() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.InputDataset
Gets the value of the job property.
- getJob() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.OutputDatafile
Gets the value of the job property.
- getJob() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.OutputDataset
Gets the value of the job property.
- getJobs() - Method in class org.icatproject.Application
Gets the value of the jobs property.
- getJobs() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Application
Gets the value of the jobs property.
- getKey() - Method in class org.icatproject.Login.Credentials.Entry
Gets the value of the key property.
- getKeywords() - Method in class org.icatproject.Investigation
Gets the value of the keywords property.
- getKeywords() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.AdvancedSearchDetails
Gets the value of the keywords property.
- getKeywords() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Investigation
Gets the value of the keywords property.
- getKeywords() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.SearchByKeywords
Gets the value of the keywords property.
- GetKeywordsForUser - Class in uk.icat3.client
Java class for getKeywordsForUser complex type.
- GetKeywordsForUser() - Constructor for class uk.icat3.client.GetKeywordsForUser
- getKeywordsForUser(String) - Method in interface uk.icat3.client.ICATCompat
- GetKeywordsForUserMax - Class in uk.icat3.client
Java class for getKeywordsForUserMax complex type.
- GetKeywordsForUserMax() - Constructor for class uk.icat3.client.GetKeywordsForUserMax
- getKeywordsForUserMax(String, int) - Method in interface uk.icat3.client.ICATCompat
- GetKeywordsForUserMaxResponse - Class in uk.icat3.client
Java class for getKeywordsForUserMaxResponse complex type.
- GetKeywordsForUserMaxResponse() - Constructor for class uk.icat3.client.GetKeywordsForUserMaxResponse
- GetKeywordsForUserResponse - Class in uk.icat3.client
Java class for getKeywordsForUserResponse complex type.
- GetKeywordsForUserResponse() - Constructor for class uk.icat3.client.GetKeywordsForUserResponse
- getLimit() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.GetKeywordsForUserMax
Gets the value of the limit property.
- getLocation() - Method in class org.icatproject.Datafile
Gets the value of the location property.
- getLocation() - Method in class org.icatproject.Dataset
Gets the value of the location property.
- getLocation() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Datafile
Gets the value of the location property.
- getLocation() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Dataset
Gets the value of the location property.
- getMaximumNumericValue() - Method in class org.icatproject.ParameterType
Gets the value of the maximumNumericValue property.
- getMaximumNumericValue() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.ParameterType
Gets the value of the maximumNumericValue property.
- getMessage() - Method in class org.icatproject.IcatException
Gets the value of the message property.
- getMessage() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.SessionException
Gets the value of the message property.
- getMinimumNumericValue() - Method in class org.icatproject.ParameterType
Gets the value of the minimumNumericValue property.
- getMinimumNumericValue() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.ParameterType
Gets the value of the minimumNumericValue property.
- getModId() - Method in class org.icatproject.EntityBaseBean
Gets the value of the modId property.
- getModId() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.EntityBaseBean
Gets the value of the modId property.
- getModTime() - Method in class org.icatproject.EntityBaseBean
Gets the value of the modTime property.
- getModTime() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.EntityBaseBean
Gets the value of the modTime property.
- getMolecularFormula() - Method in class org.icatproject.SampleType
Gets the value of the molecularFormula property.
- getMolecularFormula() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.SampleType
Gets the value of the molecularFormula property.
- GetMyInvestigations - Class in uk.icat3.client
Java class for getMyInvestigations complex type.
- GetMyInvestigations() - Constructor for class uk.icat3.client.GetMyInvestigations
- getMyInvestigations(String) - Method in interface uk.icat3.client.ICATCompat
- GetMyInvestigationsResponse - Class in uk.icat3.client
Java class for getMyInvestigationsResponse complex type.
- GetMyInvestigationsResponse() - Constructor for class uk.icat3.client.GetMyInvestigationsResponse
- getName() - Method in class org.icatproject.Application
Gets the value of the name property.
- getName() - Method in class org.icatproject.Datafile
Gets the value of the name property.
- getName() - Method in class org.icatproject.DatafileFormat
Gets the value of the name property.
- getName() - Method in class org.icatproject.Dataset
Gets the value of the name property.
- getName() - Method in class org.icatproject.DatasetType
Gets the value of the name property.
- getName() - Method in class org.icatproject.EntityField
Gets the value of the name property.
- getName() - Method in class org.icatproject.Facility
Gets the value of the name property.
- getName() - Method in class org.icatproject.FacilityCycle
Gets the value of the name property.
- getName() - Method in class org.icatproject.Group
Gets the value of the name property.
- getName() - Method in class org.icatproject.Instrument
Gets the value of the name property.
- getName() - Method in class org.icatproject.Investigation
Gets the value of the name property.
- getName() - Method in class org.icatproject.InvestigationType
Gets the value of the name property.
- getName() - Method in class org.icatproject.Keyword
Gets the value of the name property.
- getName() - Method in class org.icatproject.NotificationRequest
Gets the value of the name property.
- getName() - Method in class org.icatproject.ParameterType
Gets the value of the name property.
- getName() - Method in class org.icatproject.Sample
Gets the value of the name property.
- getName() - Method in class org.icatproject.SampleType
Gets the value of the name property.
- getName() - Method in class org.icatproject.Study
Gets the value of the name property.
- getName() - Method in class org.icatproject.User
Gets the value of the name property.
- getName() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Application
Gets the value of the name property.
- getName() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Datafile
Gets the value of the name property.
- getName() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.DatafileFormat
Gets the value of the name property.
- getName() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Dataset
Gets the value of the name property.
- getName() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.DatasetType
Gets the value of the name property.
- getName() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Facility
Gets the value of the name property.
- getName() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.FacilityCycle
Gets the value of the name property.
- getName() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Group
Gets the value of the name property.
- getName() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Instrument
Gets the value of the name property.
- getName() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Investigation
Gets the value of the name property.
- getName() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.InvestigationType
Gets the value of the name property.
- getName() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Keyword
Gets the value of the name property.
- getName() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.ParameterType
Gets the value of the name property.
- getName() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Sample
Gets the value of the name property.
- getName() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.SampleType
Gets the value of the name property.
- getName() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Study
Gets the value of the name property.
- getName() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.User
Gets the value of the name property.
- getNumericValue() - Method in class org.icatproject.Parameter
Gets the value of the numericValue property.
- getNumericValue() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Parameter
Gets the value of the numericValue property.
- getOffset() - Method in class org.icatproject.IcatException
Gets the value of the offset property.
- getOutputDatafiles() - Method in class org.icatproject.Datafile
Gets the value of the outputDatafiles property.
- getOutputDatafiles() - Method in class org.icatproject.Job
Gets the value of the outputDatafiles property.
- getOutputDatafiles() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Datafile
Gets the value of the outputDatafiles property.
- getOutputDatafiles() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Job
Gets the value of the outputDatafiles property.
- getOutputDatasets() - Method in class org.icatproject.Dataset
Gets the value of the outputDatasets property.
- getOutputDatasets() - Method in class org.icatproject.Job
Gets the value of the outputDatasets property.
- getOutputDatasets() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Dataset
Gets the value of the outputDatasets property.
- getOutputDatasets() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Job
Gets the value of the outputDatasets property.
- getParameters() - Method in class org.icatproject.Datafile
Gets the value of the parameters property.
- getParameters() - Method in class org.icatproject.Dataset
Gets the value of the parameters property.
- getParameters() - Method in class org.icatproject.Investigation
Gets the value of the parameters property.
- getParameters() - Method in class org.icatproject.Sample
Gets the value of the parameters property.
- getParameters() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Datafile
Gets the value of the parameters property.
- getParameters() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Dataset
Gets the value of the parameters property.
- getParameters() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Investigation
Gets the value of the parameters property.
- getParameters() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Sample
Gets the value of the parameters property.
- getParameterTypes() - Method in class org.icatproject.Facility
Gets the value of the parameterTypes property.
- getParameterTypes() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Facility
Gets the value of the parameterTypes property.
- getPermissibleStringValues() - Method in class org.icatproject.ParameterType
Gets the value of the permissibleStringValues property.
- getPermissibleStringValues() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.ParameterType
Gets the value of the permissibleStringValues property.
- getPlugin() - Method in class org.icatproject.Login
Gets the value of the plugin property.
- getPrimaryKey() - Method in class org.icatproject.Get
Gets the value of the primaryKey property.
- getPublications() - Method in class org.icatproject.Investigation
Gets the value of the publications property.
- getPublications() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Investigation
Gets the value of the publications property.
- getQuery() - Method in class org.icatproject.Get
Gets the value of the query property.
- getQuery() - Method in class org.icatproject.Search
Gets the value of the query property.
- getRangeBottom() - Method in class org.icatproject.Parameter
Gets the value of the rangeBottom property.
- getRangeBottom() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Parameter
Gets the value of the rangeBottom property.
- getRangeTop() - Method in class org.icatproject.Parameter
Gets the value of the rangeTop property.
- getRangeTop() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Parameter
Gets the value of the rangeTop property.
- getRelation() - Method in class org.icatproject.RelatedDatafile
Gets the value of the relation property.
- getRelation() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.RelatedDatafile
Gets the value of the relation property.
- getReleaseDate() - Method in class org.icatproject.Investigation
Gets the value of the releaseDate property.
- getReleaseDate() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Investigation
Gets the value of the releaseDate property.
- getRelType() - Method in class org.icatproject.EntityField
Gets the value of the relType property.
- GetRemainingMinutes - Class in org.icatproject
Java class for getRemainingMinutes complex type.
- GetRemainingMinutes() - Constructor for class org.icatproject.GetRemainingMinutes
- getRemainingMinutes(String) - Method in interface org.icatproject.ICAT
- GetRemainingMinutesResponse - Class in org.icatproject
Java class for getRemainingMinutesResponse complex type.
- GetRemainingMinutesResponse() - Constructor for class org.icatproject.GetRemainingMinutesResponse
- getRepository() - Method in class org.icatproject.Publication
Gets the value of the repository property.
- getRepository() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Publication
Gets the value of the repository property.
- getRepositoryId() - Method in class org.icatproject.Publication
Gets the value of the repositoryId property.
- getRepositoryId() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Publication
Gets the value of the repositoryId property.
- GetResponse - Class in org.icatproject
Java class for getResponse complex type.
- GetResponse() - Constructor for class org.icatproject.GetResponse
- getReturn() - Method in class org.icatproject.CreateManyResponse
Gets the value of the return property.
- getReturn() - Method in class org.icatproject.CreateResponse
Gets the value of the return property.
- getReturn() - Method in class org.icatproject.GetApiVersionResponse
Gets the value of the return property.
- getReturn() - Method in class org.icatproject.GetEntityInfoResponse
Gets the value of the return property.
- getReturn() - Method in class org.icatproject.GetRemainingMinutesResponse
Gets the value of the return property.
- getReturn() - Method in class org.icatproject.GetResponse
Gets the value of the return property.
- getReturn() - Method in class org.icatproject.GetUserNameResponse
Gets the value of the return property.
- getReturn() - Method in class org.icatproject.LoginResponse
Gets the value of the return property.
- getReturn() - Method in class org.icatproject.SearchResponse
Gets the value of the return property.
- getReturn() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.GetKeywordsForUserMaxResponse
Gets the value of the return property.
- getReturn() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.GetKeywordsForUserResponse
Gets the value of the return property.
- getReturn() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.GetMyInvestigationsResponse
Gets the value of the return property.
- getReturn() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.SearchByAdvancedResponse
Gets the value of the return property.
- getReturn() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.SearchByKeywordsResponse
Gets the value of the return property.
- getRole() - Method in class org.icatproject.InvestigationUser
Gets the value of the role property.
- getRole() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.InvestigationUser
Gets the value of the role property.
- getRules() - Method in class org.icatproject.Group
Gets the value of the rules property.
- getRules() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Group
Gets the value of the rules property.
- getRunEnd() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.AdvancedSearchDetails
Gets the value of the runEnd property.
- getRunStart() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.AdvancedSearchDetails
Gets the value of the runStart property.
- getSafetyInformation() - Method in class org.icatproject.SampleType
Gets the value of the safetyInformation property.
- getSafetyInformation() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.SampleType
Gets the value of the safetyInformation property.
- getSample() - Method in class org.icatproject.Dataset
Gets the value of the sample property.
- getSample() - Method in class org.icatproject.SampleParameter
Gets the value of the sample property.
- getSample() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Dataset
Gets the value of the sample property.
- getSample() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.SampleParameter
Gets the value of the sample property.
- getSampleName() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.AdvancedSearchDetails
Gets the value of the sampleName property.
- getSampleParameters() - Method in class org.icatproject.ParameterType
Gets the value of the sampleParameters property.
- getSampleParameters() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.ParameterType
Gets the value of the sampleParameters property.
- getSamples() - Method in class org.icatproject.Investigation
Gets the value of the samples property.
- getSamples() - Method in class org.icatproject.SampleType
Gets the value of the samples property.
- getSamples() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Investigation
Gets the value of the samples property.
- getSamples() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.SampleType
Gets the value of the samples property.
- getSampleTypes() - Method in class org.icatproject.Facility
Gets the value of the sampleTypes property.
- getSampleTypes() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Facility
Gets the value of the sampleTypes property.
- getSessionId() - Method in class org.icatproject.Create
Gets the value of the sessionId property.
- getSessionId() - Method in class org.icatproject.CreateMany
Gets the value of the sessionId property.
- getSessionId() - Method in class org.icatproject.Delete
Gets the value of the sessionId property.
- getSessionId() - Method in class org.icatproject.DeleteMany
Gets the value of the sessionId property.
- getSessionId() - Method in class org.icatproject.Get
Gets the value of the sessionId property.
- getSessionId() - Method in class org.icatproject.GetRemainingMinutes
Gets the value of the sessionId property.
- getSessionId() - Method in class org.icatproject.GetUserName
Gets the value of the sessionId property.
- getSessionId() - Method in class org.icatproject.Logout
Gets the value of the sessionId property.
- getSessionId() - Method in class org.icatproject.Search
Gets the value of the sessionId property.
- getSessionId() - Method in class org.icatproject.Update
Gets the value of the sessionId property.
- getSessionId() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.GetKeywordsForUser
Gets the value of the sessionId property.
- getSessionId() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.GetKeywordsForUserMax
Gets the value of the sessionId property.
- getSessionId() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.GetMyInvestigations
Gets the value of the sessionId property.
- getSessionId() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.SearchByAdvanced
Gets the value of the sessionId property.
- getSessionId() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.SearchByKeywords
Gets the value of the sessionId property.
- getShifts() - Method in class org.icatproject.Investigation
Gets the value of the shifts property.
- getShifts() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Investigation
Gets the value of the shifts property.
- getSourceDatafile() - Method in class org.icatproject.RelatedDatafile
Gets the value of the sourceDatafile property.
- getSourceDatafile() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.RelatedDatafile
Gets the value of the sourceDatafile property.
- getSourceDatafiles() - Method in class org.icatproject.Datafile
Gets the value of the sourceDatafiles property.
- getSourceDatafiles() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Datafile
Gets the value of the sourceDatafiles property.
- getStartDate() - Method in class org.icatproject.Dataset
Gets the value of the startDate property.
- getStartDate() - Method in class org.icatproject.FacilityCycle
Gets the value of the startDate property.
- getStartDate() - Method in class org.icatproject.Investigation
Gets the value of the startDate property.
- getStartDate() - Method in class org.icatproject.Shift
Gets the value of the startDate property.
- getStartDate() - Method in class org.icatproject.Study
Gets the value of the startDate property.
- getStartDate() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Dataset
Gets the value of the startDate property.
- getStartDate() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.FacilityCycle
Gets the value of the startDate property.
- getStartDate() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Investigation
Gets the value of the startDate property.
- getStartDate() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Shift
Gets the value of the startDate property.
- getStartDate() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Study
Gets the value of the startDate property.
- getStatus() - Method in class org.icatproject.Study
Gets the value of the status property.
- getStatus() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Study
Gets the value of the status property.
- getStringLength() - Method in class org.icatproject.EntityField
Gets the value of the stringLength property.
- getStringValue() - Method in class org.icatproject.Parameter
Gets the value of the stringValue property.
- getStringValue() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Parameter
Gets the value of the stringValue property.
- getStudies() - Method in class org.icatproject.User
Gets the value of the studies property.
- getStudies() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.User
Gets the value of the studies property.
- getStudy() - Method in class org.icatproject.StudyInvestigation
Gets the value of the study property.
- getStudy() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.StudyInvestigation
Gets the value of the study property.
- getStudyInvestigations() - Method in class org.icatproject.Investigation
Gets the value of the studyInvestigations property.
- getStudyInvestigations() - Method in class org.icatproject.Study
Gets the value of the studyInvestigations property.
- getStudyInvestigations() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Investigation
Gets the value of the studyInvestigations property.
- getStudyInvestigations() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Study
Gets the value of the studyInvestigations property.
- getSummary() - Method in class org.icatproject.Investigation
Gets the value of the summary property.
- getSummary() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Investigation
Gets the value of the summary property.
- getTitle() - Method in class org.icatproject.Investigation
Gets the value of the title property.
- getTitle() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Investigation
Gets the value of the title property.
- getType() - Method in class org.icatproject.DatafileFormat
Gets the value of the type property.
- getType() - Method in class org.icatproject.Dataset
Gets the value of the type property.
- getType() - Method in class org.icatproject.EntityField
Gets the value of the type property.
- getType() - Method in class org.icatproject.IcatException
Gets the value of the type property.
- getType() - Method in class org.icatproject.Instrument
Gets the value of the type property.
- getType() - Method in class org.icatproject.Investigation
Gets the value of the type property.
- getType() - Method in class org.icatproject.Parameter
Gets the value of the type property.
- getType() - Method in class org.icatproject.PermissibleStringValue
Gets the value of the type property.
- getType() - Method in class org.icatproject.Sample
Gets the value of the type property.
- getType() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.DatafileFormat
Gets the value of the type property.
- getType() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Dataset
Gets the value of the type property.
- getType() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Instrument
Gets the value of the type property.
- getType() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Investigation
Gets the value of the type property.
- getType() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Parameter
Gets the value of the type property.
- getType() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.PermissibleStringValue
Gets the value of the type property.
- getType() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Sample
Gets the value of the type property.
- getUnits() - Method in class org.icatproject.ParameterType
Gets the value of the units property.
- getUnits() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.ParameterType
Gets the value of the units property.
- getUnitsFullName() - Method in class org.icatproject.ParameterType
Gets the value of the unitsFullName property.
- getUnitsFullName() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.ParameterType
Gets the value of the unitsFullName property.
- getUrl() - Method in class org.icatproject.Facility
Gets the value of the url property.
- getUrl() - Method in class org.icatproject.Publication
Gets the value of the url property.
- getUrl() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Facility
Gets the value of the url property.
- getUrl() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Publication
Gets the value of the url property.
- getUser() - Method in class org.icatproject.InstrumentScientist
Gets the value of the user property.
- getUser() - Method in class org.icatproject.InvestigationUser
Gets the value of the user property.
- getUser() - Method in class org.icatproject.Study
Gets the value of the user property.
- getUser() - Method in class org.icatproject.UserGroup
Gets the value of the user property.
- getUser() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.InstrumentScientist
Gets the value of the user property.
- getUser() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.InvestigationUser
Gets the value of the user property.
- getUser() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Study
Gets the value of the user property.
- getUser() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.UserGroup
Gets the value of the user property.
- getUserGroups() - Method in class org.icatproject.Group
Gets the value of the userGroups property.
- getUserGroups() - Method in class org.icatproject.User
Gets the value of the userGroups property.
- getUserGroups() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Group
Gets the value of the userGroups property.
- getUserGroups() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.User
Gets the value of the userGroups property.
- GetUserName - Class in org.icatproject
Java class for getUserName complex type.
- GetUserName() - Constructor for class org.icatproject.GetUserName
- getUserName(String) - Method in interface org.icatproject.ICAT
- GetUserNameResponse - Class in org.icatproject
Java class for getUserNameResponse complex type.
- GetUserNameResponse() - Constructor for class org.icatproject.GetUserNameResponse
- getValue() - Method in class org.icatproject.Login.Credentials.Entry
Gets the value of the value property.
- getValue() - Method in class org.icatproject.PermissibleStringValue
Gets the value of the value property.
- getValue() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.PermissibleStringValue
Gets the value of the value property.
- getValueType() - Method in class org.icatproject.ParameterType
Gets the value of the valueType property.
- getValueType() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.ParameterType
Gets the value of the valueType property.
- getVersion() - Method in class org.icatproject.Application
Gets the value of the version property.
- getVersion() - Method in class org.icatproject.DatafileFormat
Gets the value of the version property.
- getVersion() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Application
Gets the value of the version property.
- getVersion() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.DatafileFormat
Gets the value of the version property.
- getVisitId() - Method in class org.icatproject.Investigation
Gets the value of the visitId property.
- getVisitId() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.AdvancedSearchDetails
Gets the value of the visitId property.
- getVisitId() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Investigation
Gets the value of the visitId property.
- getWhat() - Method in class org.icatproject.NotificationRequest
Gets the value of the what property.
- getWhat() - Method in class org.icatproject.Rule
Gets the value of the what property.
- getWhat() - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Rule
Gets the value of the what property.
- Group - Class in org.icatproject
Java class for group complex type.
- Group() - Constructor for class org.icatproject.Group
- group - Variable in class org.icatproject.Rule
- group - Variable in class org.icatproject.UserGroup
- Group - Class in uk.icat3.client
Java class for group complex type.
- Group() - Constructor for class uk.icat3.client.Group
- group - Variable in class uk.icat3.client.Rule
- group - Variable in class uk.icat3.client.UserGroup
- safetyInformation - Variable in class org.icatproject.SampleType
- safetyInformation - Variable in class uk.icat3.client.SampleType
- sample - Variable in class org.icatproject.Dataset
- Sample - Class in org.icatproject
Java class for sample complex type.
- Sample() - Constructor for class org.icatproject.Sample
- sample - Variable in class org.icatproject.SampleParameter
- sample - Variable in class uk.icat3.client.Dataset
- Sample - Class in uk.icat3.client
Java class for sample complex type.
- Sample() - Constructor for class uk.icat3.client.Sample
- sample - Variable in class uk.icat3.client.SampleParameter
- sampleName - Variable in class uk.icat3.client.AdvancedSearchDetails
- SampleParameter - Class in org.icatproject
Java class for sampleParameter complex type.
- SampleParameter() - Constructor for class org.icatproject.SampleParameter
- SampleParameter - Class in uk.icat3.client
Java class for sampleParameter complex type.
- SampleParameter() - Constructor for class uk.icat3.client.SampleParameter
- sampleParameters - Variable in class org.icatproject.ParameterType
- sampleParameters - Variable in class uk.icat3.client.ParameterType
- samples - Variable in class org.icatproject.Investigation
- samples - Variable in class org.icatproject.SampleType
- samples - Variable in class uk.icat3.client.Investigation
- samples - Variable in class uk.icat3.client.SampleType
- SampleType - Class in org.icatproject
Java class for sampleType complex type.
- SampleType() - Constructor for class org.icatproject.SampleType
- SampleType - Class in uk.icat3.client
Java class for sampleType complex type.
- SampleType() - Constructor for class uk.icat3.client.SampleType
- sampleTypes - Variable in class org.icatproject.Facility
- sampleTypes - Variable in class uk.icat3.client.Facility
- search(String, String) - Method in interface org.icatproject.ICAT
- Search - Class in org.icatproject
Java class for search complex type.
- Search() - Constructor for class org.icatproject.Search
- searchByAdvanced(String, AdvancedSearchDetails) - Method in interface uk.icat3.client.ICATCompat
- SearchByAdvanced - Class in uk.icat3.client
Java class for searchByAdvanced complex type.
- SearchByAdvanced() - Constructor for class uk.icat3.client.SearchByAdvanced
- SearchByAdvancedResponse - Class in uk.icat3.client
Java class for searchByAdvancedResponse complex type.
- SearchByAdvancedResponse() - Constructor for class uk.icat3.client.SearchByAdvancedResponse
- searchByKeywords(String, List<String>) - Method in interface uk.icat3.client.ICATCompat
- SearchByKeywords - Class in uk.icat3.client
Java class for searchByKeywords complex type.
- SearchByKeywords() - Constructor for class uk.icat3.client.SearchByKeywords
- SearchByKeywordsResponse - Class in uk.icat3.client
Java class for searchByKeywordsResponse complex type.
- SearchByKeywordsResponse() - Constructor for class uk.icat3.client.SearchByKeywordsResponse
- SearchResponse - Class in org.icatproject
Java class for searchResponse complex type.
- SearchResponse() - Constructor for class org.icatproject.SearchResponse
- SessionException - Class in uk.icat3.client
Java class for SessionException complex type.
- SessionException() - Constructor for class uk.icat3.client.SessionException
- SessionException_Exception - Exception in uk.icat3.client
This class was generated by the JAX-WS RI.
- SessionException_Exception(String, SessionException) - Constructor for exception uk.icat3.client.SessionException_Exception
- SessionException_Exception(String, SessionException, Throwable) - Constructor for exception uk.icat3.client.SessionException_Exception
- sessionId - Variable in class org.icatproject.Create
- sessionId - Variable in class org.icatproject.CreateMany
- sessionId - Variable in class org.icatproject.Delete
- sessionId - Variable in class org.icatproject.DeleteMany
- sessionId - Variable in class org.icatproject.Get
- sessionId - Variable in class org.icatproject.GetRemainingMinutes
- sessionId - Variable in class org.icatproject.GetUserName
- sessionId - Variable in class org.icatproject.Logout
- sessionId - Variable in class org.icatproject.Search
- sessionId - Variable in class org.icatproject.Update
- sessionId - Variable in class uk.icat3.client.GetKeywordsForUser
- sessionId - Variable in class uk.icat3.client.GetKeywordsForUserMax
- sessionId - Variable in class uk.icat3.client.GetMyInvestigations
- sessionId - Variable in class uk.icat3.client.SearchByAdvanced
- sessionId - Variable in class uk.icat3.client.SearchByKeywords
- setAdvancedSearchDetails(AdvancedSearchDetails) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.SearchByAdvanced
Sets the value of the advancedSearchDetails property.
- setApplicableToDatafile(boolean) - Method in class org.icatproject.ParameterType
Sets the value of the applicableToDatafile property.
- setApplicableToDatafile(boolean) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.ParameterType
Sets the value of the applicableToDatafile property.
- setApplicableToDataset(boolean) - Method in class org.icatproject.ParameterType
Sets the value of the applicableToDataset property.
- setApplicableToDataset(boolean) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.ParameterType
Sets the value of the applicableToDataset property.
- setApplicableToInvestigation(boolean) - Method in class org.icatproject.ParameterType
Sets the value of the applicableToInvestigation property.
- setApplicableToInvestigation(boolean) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.ParameterType
Sets the value of the applicableToInvestigation property.
- setApplicableToSample(boolean) - Method in class org.icatproject.ParameterType
Sets the value of the applicableToSample property.
- setApplicableToSample(boolean) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.ParameterType
Sets the value of the applicableToSample property.
- setApplication(Application) - Method in class org.icatproject.Job
Sets the value of the application property.
- setApplication(Application) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Job
Sets the value of the application property.
- setArg0(Datafile) - Method in class org.icatproject.Dummy
Sets the value of the arg0 property.
- setArg1(DatafileFormat) - Method in class org.icatproject.Dummy
Sets the value of the arg1 property.
- setArg10(Instrument) - Method in class org.icatproject.Dummy
Sets the value of the arg10 property.
- setArg11(Investigation) - Method in class org.icatproject.Dummy
Sets the value of the arg11 property.
- setArg12(InvestigationType) - Method in class org.icatproject.Dummy
Sets the value of the arg12 property.
- setArg13(InvestigationUser) - Method in class org.icatproject.Dummy
Sets the value of the arg13 property.
- setArg14(Keyword) - Method in class org.icatproject.Dummy
Sets the value of the arg14 property.
- setArg15(ParameterType) - Method in class org.icatproject.Dummy
Sets the value of the arg15 property.
- setArg16(Publication) - Method in class org.icatproject.Dummy
Sets the value of the arg16 property.
- setArg17(RelatedDatafile) - Method in class org.icatproject.Dummy
Sets the value of the arg17 property.
- setArg18(Sample) - Method in class org.icatproject.Dummy
Sets the value of the arg18 property.
- setArg19(SampleParameter) - Method in class org.icatproject.Dummy
Sets the value of the arg19 property.
- setArg2(DatafileParameter) - Method in class org.icatproject.Dummy
Sets the value of the arg2 property.
- setArg20(Shift) - Method in class org.icatproject.Dummy
Sets the value of the arg20 property.
- setArg21(Study) - Method in class org.icatproject.Dummy
Sets the value of the arg21 property.
- setArg22(StudyInvestigation) - Method in class org.icatproject.Dummy
Sets the value of the arg22 property.
- setArg23(StudyStatus) - Method in class org.icatproject.Dummy
Sets the value of the arg23 property.
- setArg24(Application) - Method in class org.icatproject.Dummy
Sets the value of the arg24 property.
- setArg25(Job) - Method in class org.icatproject.Dummy
Sets the value of the arg25 property.
- setArg26(InputDataset) - Method in class org.icatproject.Dummy
Sets the value of the arg26 property.
- setArg27(OutputDataset) - Method in class org.icatproject.Dummy
Sets the value of the arg27 property.
- setArg28(InputDatafile) - Method in class org.icatproject.Dummy
Sets the value of the arg28 property.
- setArg29(OutputDatafile) - Method in class org.icatproject.Dummy
Sets the value of the arg29 property.
- setArg3(Dataset) - Method in class org.icatproject.Dummy
Sets the value of the arg3 property.
- setArg30(NotificationRequest) - Method in class org.icatproject.Dummy
Sets the value of the arg30 property.
- setArg31(Group) - Method in class org.icatproject.Dummy
Sets the value of the arg31 property.
- setArg32(UserGroup) - Method in class org.icatproject.Dummy
Sets the value of the arg32 property.
- setArg4(DatasetParameter) - Method in class org.icatproject.Dummy
Sets the value of the arg4 property.
- setArg5(DatasetType) - Method in class org.icatproject.Dummy
Sets the value of the arg5 property.
- setArg6(Facility) - Method in class org.icatproject.Dummy
Sets the value of the arg6 property.
- setArg7(FacilityCycle) - Method in class org.icatproject.Dummy
Sets the value of the arg7 property.
- setArg8(InstrumentScientist) - Method in class org.icatproject.Dummy
Sets the value of the arg8 property.
- setArg9(User) - Method in class org.icatproject.Dummy
Sets the value of the arg9 property.
- setBean(EntityBaseBean) - Method in class org.icatproject.Create
Sets the value of the bean property.
- setBean(EntityBaseBean) - Method in class org.icatproject.Delete
Sets the value of the bean property.
- setBean(EntityBaseBean) - Method in class org.icatproject.Update
Sets the value of the bean property.
- setBeanName(String) - Method in class org.icatproject.GetEntityInfo
Sets the value of the beanName property.
- setCascaded(Boolean) - Method in class org.icatproject.EntityField
Sets the value of the cascaded property.
- setCaseSensitive(boolean) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.AdvancedSearchDetails
Sets the value of the caseSensitive property.
- setChecksum(String) - Method in class org.icatproject.Datafile
Sets the value of the checksum property.
- setChecksum(String) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Datafile
Sets the value of the checksum property.
- setClassComment(String) - Method in class org.icatproject.EntityInfo
Sets the value of the classComment property.
- setComment(String) - Method in class org.icatproject.EntityField
Sets the value of the comment property.
- setComment(String) - Method in class org.icatproject.Shift
Sets the value of the comment property.
- setComment(String) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Shift
Sets the value of the comment property.
- setComplete(boolean) - Method in class org.icatproject.Dataset
Sets the value of the complete property.
- setComplete(boolean) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Dataset
Sets the value of the complete property.
- setCreateId(String) - Method in class org.icatproject.EntityBaseBean
Sets the value of the createId property.
- setCreateId(String) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.EntityBaseBean
Sets the value of the createId property.
- setCreateTime(XMLGregorianCalendar) - Method in class org.icatproject.EntityBaseBean
Sets the value of the createTime property.
- setCreateTime(XMLGregorianCalendar) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.EntityBaseBean
Sets the value of the createTime property.
- setCredentials(Login.Credentials) - Method in class org.icatproject.Login
Sets the value of the credentials property.
- setCrudFlags(String) - Method in class org.icatproject.NotificationRequest
Sets the value of the crudFlags property.
- setCrudFlags(String) - Method in class org.icatproject.Rule
Sets the value of the crudFlags property.
- setCrudFlags(String) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Rule
Sets the value of the crudFlags property.
- setD(boolean) - Method in class org.icatproject.Rule
Sets the value of the d property.
- setD(boolean) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Rule
Sets the value of the d property.
- setDatafile(Datafile) - Method in class org.icatproject.DatafileParameter
Sets the value of the datafile property.
- setDatafile(Datafile) - Method in class org.icatproject.InputDatafile
Sets the value of the datafile property.
- setDatafile(Datafile) - Method in class org.icatproject.OutputDatafile
Sets the value of the datafile property.
- setDatafile(Datafile) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.DatafileParameter
Sets the value of the datafile property.
- setDatafile(Datafile) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.InputDatafile
Sets the value of the datafile property.
- setDatafile(Datafile) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.OutputDatafile
Sets the value of the datafile property.
- setDatafileCreateTime(XMLGregorianCalendar) - Method in class org.icatproject.Datafile
Sets the value of the datafileCreateTime property.
- setDatafileCreateTime(XMLGregorianCalendar) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Datafile
Sets the value of the datafileCreateTime property.
- setDatafileFormat(DatafileFormat) - Method in class org.icatproject.Datafile
Sets the value of the datafileFormat property.
- setDatafileFormat(DatafileFormat) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Datafile
Sets the value of the datafileFormat property.
- setDatafileModTime(XMLGregorianCalendar) - Method in class org.icatproject.Datafile
Sets the value of the datafileModTime property.
- setDatafileModTime(XMLGregorianCalendar) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Datafile
Sets the value of the datafileModTime property.
- setDatafileName(String) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.AdvancedSearchDetails
Sets the value of the datafileName property.
- setDataset(Dataset) - Method in class org.icatproject.Datafile
Sets the value of the dataset property.
- setDataset(Dataset) - Method in class org.icatproject.DatasetParameter
Sets the value of the dataset property.
- setDataset(Dataset) - Method in class org.icatproject.InputDataset
Sets the value of the dataset property.
- setDataset(Dataset) - Method in class org.icatproject.OutputDataset
Sets the value of the dataset property.
- setDataset(Dataset) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Datafile
Sets the value of the dataset property.
- setDataset(Dataset) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.DatasetParameter
Sets the value of the dataset property.
- setDataset(Dataset) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.InputDataset
Sets the value of the dataset property.
- setDataset(Dataset) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.OutputDataset
Sets the value of the dataset property.
- setDatatypes(String) - Method in class org.icatproject.NotificationRequest
Sets the value of the datatypes property.
- setDateRangeEnd(XMLGregorianCalendar) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.AdvancedSearchDetails
Sets the value of the dateRangeEnd property.
- setDateRangeStart(XMLGregorianCalendar) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.AdvancedSearchDetails
Sets the value of the dateRangeStart property.
- setDateTimeValue(XMLGregorianCalendar) - Method in class org.icatproject.Parameter
Sets the value of the dateTimeValue property.
- setDateTimeValue(XMLGregorianCalendar) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Parameter
Sets the value of the dateTimeValue property.
- setDaysUntilRelease(Integer) - Method in class org.icatproject.Facility
Sets the value of the daysUntilRelease property.
- setDaysUntilRelease(Integer) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Facility
Sets the value of the daysUntilRelease property.
- setDescription(String) - Method in class org.icatproject.Datafile
Sets the value of the description property.
- setDescription(String) - Method in class org.icatproject.DatafileFormat
Sets the value of the description property.
- setDescription(String) - Method in class org.icatproject.Dataset
Sets the value of the description property.
- setDescription(String) - Method in class org.icatproject.DatasetType
Sets the value of the description property.
- setDescription(String) - Method in class org.icatproject.Facility
Sets the value of the description property.
- setDescription(String) - Method in class org.icatproject.FacilityCycle
Sets the value of the description property.
- setDescription(String) - Method in class org.icatproject.Instrument
Sets the value of the description property.
- setDescription(String) - Method in class org.icatproject.InvestigationType
Sets the value of the description property.
- setDescription(String) - Method in class org.icatproject.ParameterType
Sets the value of the description property.
- setDescription(String) - Method in class org.icatproject.Study
Sets the value of the description property.
- setDescription(String) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Datafile
Sets the value of the description property.
- setDescription(String) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.DatafileFormat
Sets the value of the description property.
- setDescription(String) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Dataset
Sets the value of the description property.
- setDescription(String) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.DatasetType
Sets the value of the description property.
- setDescription(String) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Facility
Sets the value of the description property.
- setDescription(String) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.FacilityCycle
Sets the value of the description property.
- setDescription(String) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Instrument
Sets the value of the description property.
- setDescription(String) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.InvestigationType
Sets the value of the description property.
- setDescription(String) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.ParameterType
Sets the value of the description property.
- setDescription(String) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Study
Sets the value of the description property.
- setDestDatafile(Datafile) - Method in class org.icatproject.RelatedDatafile
Sets the value of the destDatafile property.
- setDestDatafile(Datafile) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.RelatedDatafile
Sets the value of the destDatafile property.
- setDestType(DestType) - Method in class org.icatproject.NotificationRequest
Sets the value of the destType property.
- setDoi(String) - Method in class org.icatproject.Datafile
Sets the value of the doi property.
- setDoi(String) - Method in class org.icatproject.Dataset
Sets the value of the doi property.
- setDoi(String) - Method in class org.icatproject.Investigation
Sets the value of the doi property.
- setDoi(String) - Method in class org.icatproject.Publication
Sets the value of the doi property.
- setDoi(String) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Datafile
Sets the value of the doi property.
- setDoi(String) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Dataset
Sets the value of the doi property.
- setDoi(String) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Investigation
Sets the value of the doi property.
- setDoi(String) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Publication
Sets the value of the doi property.
- setEndDate(XMLGregorianCalendar) - Method in class org.icatproject.Dataset
Sets the value of the endDate property.
- setEndDate(XMLGregorianCalendar) - Method in class org.icatproject.FacilityCycle
Sets the value of the endDate property.
- setEndDate(XMLGregorianCalendar) - Method in class org.icatproject.Investigation
Sets the value of the endDate property.
- setEndDate(XMLGregorianCalendar) - Method in class org.icatproject.Shift
Sets the value of the endDate property.
- setEndDate(XMLGregorianCalendar) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Dataset
Sets the value of the endDate property.
- setEndDate(XMLGregorianCalendar) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.FacilityCycle
Sets the value of the endDate property.
- setEndDate(XMLGregorianCalendar) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Investigation
Sets the value of the endDate property.
- setEndDate(XMLGregorianCalendar) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Shift
Sets the value of the endDate property.
- setEnforced(boolean) - Method in class org.icatproject.ParameterType
Sets the value of the enforced property.
- setEnforced(boolean) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.ParameterType
Sets the value of the enforced property.
- setError(Double) - Method in class org.icatproject.Parameter
Sets the value of the error property.
- setError(Double) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Parameter
Sets the value of the error property.
- setExperimentNumber(String) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.AdvancedSearchDetails
Sets the value of the experimentNumber property.
- setFacility(Facility) - Method in class org.icatproject.DatafileFormat
Sets the value of the facility property.
- setFacility(Facility) - Method in class org.icatproject.DatasetType
Sets the value of the facility property.
- setFacility(Facility) - Method in class org.icatproject.FacilityCycle
Sets the value of the facility property.
- setFacility(Facility) - Method in class org.icatproject.Instrument
Sets the value of the facility property.
- setFacility(Facility) - Method in class org.icatproject.Investigation
Sets the value of the facility property.
- setFacility(Facility) - Method in class org.icatproject.InvestigationType
Sets the value of the facility property.
- setFacility(Facility) - Method in class org.icatproject.ParameterType
Sets the value of the facility property.
- setFacility(Facility) - Method in class org.icatproject.SampleType
Sets the value of the facility property.
- setFacility(Facility) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.DatafileFormat
Sets the value of the facility property.
- setFacility(Facility) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.DatasetType
Sets the value of the facility property.
- setFacility(Facility) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.FacilityCycle
Sets the value of the facility property.
- setFacility(Facility) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Instrument
Sets the value of the facility property.
- setFacility(Facility) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Investigation
Sets the value of the facility property.
- setFacility(Facility) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.InvestigationType
Sets the value of the facility property.
- setFacility(Facility) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.ParameterType
Sets the value of the facility property.
- setFacility(Facility) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.SampleType
Sets the value of the facility property.
- setFacilityCycle(FacilityCycle) - Method in class org.icatproject.Investigation
Sets the value of the facilityCycle property.
- setFacilityCycle(FacilityCycle) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Investigation
Sets the value of the facilityCycle property.
- setFileSize(Long) - Method in class org.icatproject.Datafile
Sets the value of the fileSize property.
- setFileSize(Long) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Datafile
Sets the value of the fileSize property.
- setFullName(String) - Method in class org.icatproject.Facility
Sets the value of the fullName property.
- setFullName(String) - Method in class org.icatproject.Instrument
Sets the value of the fullName property.
- setFullName(String) - Method in class org.icatproject.User
Sets the value of the fullName property.
- setFullName(String) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Facility
Sets the value of the fullName property.
- setFullName(String) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Instrument
Sets the value of the fullName property.
- setFullName(String) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.User
Sets the value of the fullName property.
- setFullReference(String) - Method in class org.icatproject.Publication
Sets the value of the fullReference property.
- setFullReference(String) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Publication
Sets the value of the fullReference property.
- setGroup(Group) - Method in class org.icatproject.Rule
Sets the value of the group property.
- setGroup(Group) - Method in class org.icatproject.UserGroup
Sets the value of the group property.
- setGroup(Group) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Rule
Sets the value of the group property.
- setGroup(Group) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.UserGroup
Sets the value of the group property.
- setId(Long) - Method in class org.icatproject.EntityBaseBean
Sets the value of the id property.
- setId(Long) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.EntityBaseBean
Sets the value of the id property.
- setInstrument(Instrument) - Method in class org.icatproject.InstrumentScientist
Sets the value of the instrument property.
- setInstrument(Instrument) - Method in class org.icatproject.Investigation
Sets the value of the instrument property.
- setInstrument(Instrument) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.InstrumentScientist
Sets the value of the instrument property.
- setInstrument(Instrument) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Investigation
Sets the value of the instrument property.
- setInvestigation(Investigation) - Method in class org.icatproject.Dataset
Sets the value of the investigation property.
- setInvestigation(Investigation) - Method in class org.icatproject.InvestigationParameter
Sets the value of the investigation property.
- setInvestigation(Investigation) - Method in class org.icatproject.InvestigationUser
Sets the value of the investigation property.
- setInvestigation(Investigation) - Method in class org.icatproject.Keyword
Sets the value of the investigation property.
- setInvestigation(Investigation) - Method in class org.icatproject.Publication
Sets the value of the investigation property.
- setInvestigation(Investigation) - Method in class org.icatproject.Sample
Sets the value of the investigation property.
- setInvestigation(Investigation) - Method in class org.icatproject.Shift
Sets the value of the investigation property.
- setInvestigation(Investigation) - Method in class org.icatproject.StudyInvestigation
Sets the value of the investigation property.
- setInvestigation(Investigation) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Dataset
Sets the value of the investigation property.
- setInvestigation(Investigation) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.InvestigationParameter
Sets the value of the investigation property.
- setInvestigation(Investigation) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.InvestigationUser
Sets the value of the investigation property.
- setInvestigation(Investigation) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Keyword
Sets the value of the investigation property.
- setInvestigation(Investigation) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Publication
Sets the value of the investigation property.
- setInvestigation(Investigation) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Sample
Sets the value of the investigation property.
- setInvestigation(Investigation) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Shift
Sets the value of the investigation property.
- setInvestigation(Investigation) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.StudyInvestigation
Sets the value of the investigation property.
- setInvestigationAbstract(String) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.AdvancedSearchDetails
Sets the value of the investigationAbstract property.
- setInvestigationInclude(InvestigationInclude) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.AdvancedSearchDetails
Sets the value of the investigationInclude property.
- setInvestigationName(String) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.AdvancedSearchDetails
Sets the value of the investigationName property.
- setInvestigationType(String) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.AdvancedSearchDetails
Sets the value of the investigationType property.
- setJmsOptions(String) - Method in class org.icatproject.NotificationRequest
Sets the value of the jmsOptions property.
- setJob(Job) - Method in class org.icatproject.InputDatafile
Sets the value of the job property.
- setJob(Job) - Method in class org.icatproject.InputDataset
Sets the value of the job property.
- setJob(Job) - Method in class org.icatproject.OutputDatafile
Sets the value of the job property.
- setJob(Job) - Method in class org.icatproject.OutputDataset
Sets the value of the job property.
- setJob(Job) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.InputDatafile
Sets the value of the job property.
- setJob(Job) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.InputDataset
Sets the value of the job property.
- setJob(Job) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.OutputDatafile
Sets the value of the job property.
- setJob(Job) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.OutputDataset
Sets the value of the job property.
- setKey(String) - Method in class org.icatproject.Login.Credentials.Entry
Sets the value of the key property.
- setLimit(int) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.GetKeywordsForUserMax
Sets the value of the limit property.
- setLocation(String) - Method in class org.icatproject.Datafile
Sets the value of the location property.
- setLocation(String) - Method in class org.icatproject.Dataset
Sets the value of the location property.
- setLocation(String) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Datafile
Sets the value of the location property.
- setLocation(String) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Dataset
Sets the value of the location property.
- setMaximumNumericValue(Double) - Method in class org.icatproject.ParameterType
Sets the value of the maximumNumericValue property.
- setMaximumNumericValue(Double) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.ParameterType
Sets the value of the maximumNumericValue property.
- setMessage(String) - Method in class org.icatproject.IcatException
Sets the value of the message property.
- setMessage(String) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.SessionException
Sets the value of the message property.
- setMinimumNumericValue(Double) - Method in class org.icatproject.ParameterType
Sets the value of the minimumNumericValue property.
- setMinimumNumericValue(Double) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.ParameterType
Sets the value of the minimumNumericValue property.
- setModId(String) - Method in class org.icatproject.EntityBaseBean
Sets the value of the modId property.
- setModId(String) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.EntityBaseBean
Sets the value of the modId property.
- setModTime(XMLGregorianCalendar) - Method in class org.icatproject.EntityBaseBean
Sets the value of the modTime property.
- setModTime(XMLGregorianCalendar) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.EntityBaseBean
Sets the value of the modTime property.
- setMolecularFormula(String) - Method in class org.icatproject.SampleType
Sets the value of the molecularFormula property.
- setMolecularFormula(String) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.SampleType
Sets the value of the molecularFormula property.
- setName(String) - Method in class org.icatproject.Application
Sets the value of the name property.
- setName(String) - Method in class org.icatproject.Datafile
Sets the value of the name property.
- setName(String) - Method in class org.icatproject.DatafileFormat
Sets the value of the name property.
- setName(String) - Method in class org.icatproject.Dataset
Sets the value of the name property.
- setName(String) - Method in class org.icatproject.DatasetType
Sets the value of the name property.
- setName(String) - Method in class org.icatproject.EntityField
Sets the value of the name property.
- setName(String) - Method in class org.icatproject.Facility
Sets the value of the name property.
- setName(String) - Method in class org.icatproject.FacilityCycle
Sets the value of the name property.
- setName(String) - Method in class org.icatproject.Group
Sets the value of the name property.
- setName(String) - Method in class org.icatproject.Instrument
Sets the value of the name property.
- setName(String) - Method in class org.icatproject.Investigation
Sets the value of the name property.
- setName(String) - Method in class org.icatproject.InvestigationType
Sets the value of the name property.
- setName(String) - Method in class org.icatproject.Keyword
Sets the value of the name property.
- setName(String) - Method in class org.icatproject.NotificationRequest
Sets the value of the name property.
- setName(String) - Method in class org.icatproject.ParameterType
Sets the value of the name property.
- setName(String) - Method in class org.icatproject.Sample
Sets the value of the name property.
- setName(String) - Method in class org.icatproject.SampleType
Sets the value of the name property.
- setName(String) - Method in class org.icatproject.Study
Sets the value of the name property.
- setName(String) - Method in class org.icatproject.User
Sets the value of the name property.
- setName(String) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Application
Sets the value of the name property.
- setName(String) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Datafile
Sets the value of the name property.
- setName(String) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.DatafileFormat
Sets the value of the name property.
- setName(String) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Dataset
Sets the value of the name property.
- setName(String) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.DatasetType
Sets the value of the name property.
- setName(String) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Facility
Sets the value of the name property.
- setName(String) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.FacilityCycle
Sets the value of the name property.
- setName(String) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Group
Sets the value of the name property.
- setName(String) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Instrument
Sets the value of the name property.
- setName(String) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Investigation
Sets the value of the name property.
- setName(String) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.InvestigationType
Sets the value of the name property.
- setName(String) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Keyword
Sets the value of the name property.
- setName(String) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.ParameterType
Sets the value of the name property.
- setName(String) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Sample
Sets the value of the name property.
- setName(String) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.SampleType
Sets the value of the name property.
- setName(String) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Study
Sets the value of the name property.
- setName(String) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.User
Sets the value of the name property.
- setNotNullable(boolean) - Method in class org.icatproject.EntityField
Sets the value of the notNullable property.
- setNumericValue(Double) - Method in class org.icatproject.Parameter
Sets the value of the numericValue property.
- setNumericValue(Double) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Parameter
Sets the value of the numericValue property.
- setOffset(int) - Method in class org.icatproject.IcatException
Sets the value of the offset property.
- setPlugin(String) - Method in class org.icatproject.Login
Sets the value of the plugin property.
- setPrimaryKey(long) - Method in class org.icatproject.Get
Sets the value of the primaryKey property.
- setQuery(String) - Method in class org.icatproject.Get
Sets the value of the query property.
- setQuery(String) - Method in class org.icatproject.Search
Sets the value of the query property.
- setRangeBottom(Double) - Method in class org.icatproject.Parameter
Sets the value of the rangeBottom property.
- setRangeBottom(Double) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Parameter
Sets the value of the rangeBottom property.
- setRangeTop(Double) - Method in class org.icatproject.Parameter
Sets the value of the rangeTop property.
- setRangeTop(Double) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Parameter
Sets the value of the rangeTop property.
- setRelation(String) - Method in class org.icatproject.RelatedDatafile
Sets the value of the relation property.
- setRelation(String) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.RelatedDatafile
Sets the value of the relation property.
- setReleaseDate(XMLGregorianCalendar) - Method in class org.icatproject.Investigation
Sets the value of the releaseDate property.
- setReleaseDate(XMLGregorianCalendar) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Investigation
Sets the value of the releaseDate property.
- setRelType(RelType) - Method in class org.icatproject.EntityField
Sets the value of the relType property.
- setRepository(String) - Method in class org.icatproject.Publication
Sets the value of the repository property.
- setRepository(String) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Publication
Sets the value of the repository property.
- setRepositoryId(String) - Method in class org.icatproject.Publication
Sets the value of the repositoryId property.
- setRepositoryId(String) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Publication
Sets the value of the repositoryId property.
- setReturn(long) - Method in class org.icatproject.CreateResponse
Sets the value of the return property.
- setReturn(String) - Method in class org.icatproject.GetApiVersionResponse
Sets the value of the return property.
- setReturn(EntityInfo) - Method in class org.icatproject.GetEntityInfoResponse
Sets the value of the return property.
- setReturn(double) - Method in class org.icatproject.GetRemainingMinutesResponse
Sets the value of the return property.
- setReturn(EntityBaseBean) - Method in class org.icatproject.GetResponse
Sets the value of the return property.
- setReturn(String) - Method in class org.icatproject.GetUserNameResponse
Sets the value of the return property.
- setReturn(String) - Method in class org.icatproject.LoginResponse
Sets the value of the return property.
- setRole(String) - Method in class org.icatproject.InvestigationUser
Sets the value of the role property.
- setRole(String) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.InvestigationUser
Sets the value of the role property.
- setRunEnd(Double) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.AdvancedSearchDetails
Sets the value of the runEnd property.
- setRunStart(Double) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.AdvancedSearchDetails
Sets the value of the runStart property.
- setSafetyInformation(String) - Method in class org.icatproject.SampleType
Sets the value of the safetyInformation property.
- setSafetyInformation(String) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.SampleType
Sets the value of the safetyInformation property.
- setSample(Sample) - Method in class org.icatproject.Dataset
Sets the value of the sample property.
- setSample(Sample) - Method in class org.icatproject.SampleParameter
Sets the value of the sample property.
- setSample(Sample) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Dataset
Sets the value of the sample property.
- setSample(Sample) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.SampleParameter
Sets the value of the sample property.
- setSampleName(String) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.AdvancedSearchDetails
Sets the value of the sampleName property.
- setSessionId(String) - Method in class org.icatproject.Create
Sets the value of the sessionId property.
- setSessionId(String) - Method in class org.icatproject.CreateMany
Sets the value of the sessionId property.
- setSessionId(String) - Method in class org.icatproject.Delete
Sets the value of the sessionId property.
- setSessionId(String) - Method in class org.icatproject.DeleteMany
Sets the value of the sessionId property.
- setSessionId(String) - Method in class org.icatproject.Get
Sets the value of the sessionId property.
- setSessionId(String) - Method in class org.icatproject.GetRemainingMinutes
Sets the value of the sessionId property.
- setSessionId(String) - Method in class org.icatproject.GetUserName
Sets the value of the sessionId property.
- setSessionId(String) - Method in class org.icatproject.Logout
Sets the value of the sessionId property.
- setSessionId(String) - Method in class org.icatproject.Search
Sets the value of the sessionId property.
- setSessionId(String) - Method in class org.icatproject.Update
Sets the value of the sessionId property.
- setSessionId(String) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.GetKeywordsForUser
Sets the value of the sessionId property.
- setSessionId(String) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.GetKeywordsForUserMax
Sets the value of the sessionId property.
- setSessionId(String) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.GetMyInvestigations
Sets the value of the sessionId property.
- setSessionId(String) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.SearchByAdvanced
Sets the value of the sessionId property.
- setSessionId(String) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.SearchByKeywords
Sets the value of the sessionId property.
- setSourceDatafile(Datafile) - Method in class org.icatproject.RelatedDatafile
Sets the value of the sourceDatafile property.
- setSourceDatafile(Datafile) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.RelatedDatafile
Sets the value of the sourceDatafile property.
- setStartDate(XMLGregorianCalendar) - Method in class org.icatproject.Dataset
Sets the value of the startDate property.
- setStartDate(XMLGregorianCalendar) - Method in class org.icatproject.FacilityCycle
Sets the value of the startDate property.
- setStartDate(XMLGregorianCalendar) - Method in class org.icatproject.Investigation
Sets the value of the startDate property.
- setStartDate(XMLGregorianCalendar) - Method in class org.icatproject.Shift
Sets the value of the startDate property.
- setStartDate(XMLGregorianCalendar) - Method in class org.icatproject.Study
Sets the value of the startDate property.
- setStartDate(XMLGregorianCalendar) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Dataset
Sets the value of the startDate property.
- setStartDate(XMLGregorianCalendar) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.FacilityCycle
Sets the value of the startDate property.
- setStartDate(XMLGregorianCalendar) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Investigation
Sets the value of the startDate property.
- setStartDate(XMLGregorianCalendar) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Shift
Sets the value of the startDate property.
- setStartDate(XMLGregorianCalendar) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Study
Sets the value of the startDate property.
- setStatus(StudyStatus) - Method in class org.icatproject.Study
Sets the value of the status property.
- setStatus(StudyStatus) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Study
Sets the value of the status property.
- setStringLength(Integer) - Method in class org.icatproject.EntityField
Sets the value of the stringLength property.
- setStringValue(String) - Method in class org.icatproject.Parameter
Sets the value of the stringValue property.
- setStringValue(String) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Parameter
Sets the value of the stringValue property.
- setStudy(Study) - Method in class org.icatproject.StudyInvestigation
Sets the value of the study property.
- setStudy(Study) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.StudyInvestigation
Sets the value of the study property.
- setSummary(String) - Method in class org.icatproject.Investigation
Sets the value of the summary property.
- setSummary(String) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Investigation
Sets the value of the summary property.
- setTitle(String) - Method in class org.icatproject.Investigation
Sets the value of the title property.
- setTitle(String) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Investigation
Sets the value of the title property.
- setType(String) - Method in class org.icatproject.DatafileFormat
Sets the value of the type property.
- setType(DatasetType) - Method in class org.icatproject.Dataset
Sets the value of the type property.
- setType(String) - Method in class org.icatproject.EntityField
Sets the value of the type property.
- setType(IcatExceptionType) - Method in class org.icatproject.IcatException
Sets the value of the type property.
- setType(String) - Method in class org.icatproject.Instrument
Sets the value of the type property.
- setType(InvestigationType) - Method in class org.icatproject.Investigation
Sets the value of the type property.
- setType(ParameterType) - Method in class org.icatproject.Parameter
Sets the value of the type property.
- setType(ParameterType) - Method in class org.icatproject.PermissibleStringValue
Sets the value of the type property.
- setType(SampleType) - Method in class org.icatproject.Sample
Sets the value of the type property.
- setType(String) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.DatafileFormat
Sets the value of the type property.
- setType(DatasetType) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Dataset
Sets the value of the type property.
- setType(String) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Instrument
Sets the value of the type property.
- setType(InvestigationType) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Investigation
Sets the value of the type property.
- setType(ParameterType) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Parameter
Sets the value of the type property.
- setType(ParameterType) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.PermissibleStringValue
Sets the value of the type property.
- setType(SampleType) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Sample
Sets the value of the type property.
- setUnits(String) - Method in class org.icatproject.ParameterType
Sets the value of the units property.
- setUnits(String) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.ParameterType
Sets the value of the units property.
- setUnitsFullName(String) - Method in class org.icatproject.ParameterType
Sets the value of the unitsFullName property.
- setUnitsFullName(String) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.ParameterType
Sets the value of the unitsFullName property.
- setUrl(String) - Method in class org.icatproject.Facility
Sets the value of the url property.
- setUrl(String) - Method in class org.icatproject.Publication
Sets the value of the url property.
- setUrl(String) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Facility
Sets the value of the url property.
- setUrl(String) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Publication
Sets the value of the url property.
- setUser(User) - Method in class org.icatproject.InstrumentScientist
Sets the value of the user property.
- setUser(User) - Method in class org.icatproject.InvestigationUser
Sets the value of the user property.
- setUser(User) - Method in class org.icatproject.Study
Sets the value of the user property.
- setUser(User) - Method in class org.icatproject.UserGroup
Sets the value of the user property.
- setUser(User) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.InstrumentScientist
Sets the value of the user property.
- setUser(User) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.InvestigationUser
Sets the value of the user property.
- setUser(User) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Study
Sets the value of the user property.
- setUser(User) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.UserGroup
Sets the value of the user property.
- setValue(String) - Method in class org.icatproject.Login.Credentials.Entry
Sets the value of the value property.
- setValue(String) - Method in class org.icatproject.PermissibleStringValue
Sets the value of the value property.
- setValue(String) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.PermissibleStringValue
Sets the value of the value property.
- setValueType(ParameterValueType) - Method in class org.icatproject.ParameterType
Sets the value of the valueType property.
- setValueType(ParameterValueType) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.ParameterType
Sets the value of the valueType property.
- setVerified(boolean) - Method in class org.icatproject.ParameterType
Sets the value of the verified property.
- setVerified(boolean) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.ParameterType
Sets the value of the verified property.
- setVersion(String) - Method in class org.icatproject.Application
Sets the value of the version property.
- setVersion(String) - Method in class org.icatproject.DatafileFormat
Sets the value of the version property.
- setVersion(String) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Application
Sets the value of the version property.
- setVersion(String) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.DatafileFormat
Sets the value of the version property.
- setVisitId(String) - Method in class org.icatproject.Investigation
Sets the value of the visitId property.
- setVisitId(String) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.AdvancedSearchDetails
Sets the value of the visitId property.
- setVisitId(String) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Investigation
Sets the value of the visitId property.
- setWhat(String) - Method in class org.icatproject.NotificationRequest
Sets the value of the what property.
- setWhat(String) - Method in class org.icatproject.Rule
Sets the value of the what property.
- setWhat(String) - Method in class uk.icat3.client.Rule
Sets the value of the what property.
- Shift - Class in org.icatproject
Java class for shift complex type.
- Shift() - Constructor for class org.icatproject.Shift
- Shift - Class in uk.icat3.client
Java class for shift complex type.
- Shift() - Constructor for class uk.icat3.client.Shift
- shifts - Variable in class org.icatproject.Investigation
- shifts - Variable in class uk.icat3.client.Investigation
- sourceDatafile - Variable in class org.icatproject.RelatedDatafile
- sourceDatafile - Variable in class uk.icat3.client.RelatedDatafile
- sourceDatafiles - Variable in class org.icatproject.Datafile
- sourceDatafiles - Variable in class uk.icat3.client.Datafile
- startDate - Variable in class org.icatproject.Dataset
- startDate - Variable in class org.icatproject.FacilityCycle
- startDate - Variable in class org.icatproject.Investigation
- startDate - Variable in class org.icatproject.Shift
- startDate - Variable in class org.icatproject.Study
- startDate - Variable in class uk.icat3.client.Dataset
- startDate - Variable in class uk.icat3.client.FacilityCycle
- startDate - Variable in class uk.icat3.client.Investigation
- startDate - Variable in class uk.icat3.client.Shift
- startDate - Variable in class uk.icat3.client.Study
- status - Variable in class org.icatproject.Study
- status - Variable in class uk.icat3.client.Study
- stringLength - Variable in class org.icatproject.EntityField
- stringValue - Variable in class org.icatproject.Parameter
- stringValue - Variable in class uk.icat3.client.Parameter
- studies - Variable in class org.icatproject.User
- studies - Variable in class uk.icat3.client.User
- Study - Class in org.icatproject
Java class for study complex type.
- Study() - Constructor for class org.icatproject.Study
- study - Variable in class org.icatproject.StudyInvestigation
- Study - Class in uk.icat3.client
Java class for study complex type.
- Study() - Constructor for class uk.icat3.client.Study
- study - Variable in class uk.icat3.client.StudyInvestigation
- StudyInvestigation - Class in org.icatproject
Java class for studyInvestigation complex type.
- StudyInvestigation() - Constructor for class org.icatproject.StudyInvestigation
- StudyInvestigation - Class in uk.icat3.client
Java class for studyInvestigation complex type.
- StudyInvestigation() - Constructor for class uk.icat3.client.StudyInvestigation
- studyInvestigations - Variable in class org.icatproject.Investigation
- studyInvestigations - Variable in class org.icatproject.Study
- studyInvestigations - Variable in class uk.icat3.client.Investigation
- studyInvestigations - Variable in class uk.icat3.client.Study
- StudyStatus - Enum in org.icatproject
Java class for studyStatus.
- StudyStatus - Enum in uk.icat3.client
Java class for studyStatus.
- summary - Variable in class org.icatproject.Investigation
- summary - Variable in class uk.icat3.client.Investigation