(function() {
'use strict';
var app = angular.module('topcat');
app.service('tcUi', function($rootScope, helpers, RuntimeStatesProvider){
this.create = function(tc){
return new Ui(tc);
* @interface UI
function Ui(tc){
var mainTabs = [];
this.mainTabs = function(){
return mainTabs;
* Adds a new tab to the main tabs.
* @method
* @name UI#registerMainTab
* @param {string} name the name of the new tab e.g. 'new-tab' (use hyphens as separators)
* @param {view} view a url which points to an Angular template
* @param {object} [options]
* @example
* tc.ui().registerMainTab('my-machines', '/views/my-machines.html', {
* insertAfter: 'my-data',
* controller: 'MyMachinesController as myMachinesController',
* multiFacility: true
* });
this.registerMainTab = helpers.overload({
'string, string, object': function(name, view, options){
mainTabs.push({name: name, view: view, options: options});
var url = '/' + name;
if(options.multiFacility) url += "/:facilityName";
var state = {
url: url,
resolve: {
authenticate: function(Authenticate){
return Authenticate.authenticate();
params: options.params,
views: {
'': {
templateUrl: view,
controller: options.controller
RuntimeStatesProvider.addState('home.' + name, state);
'string, string': function(name, view){
this.registerMainTab(name, view, {});
var adminTabs = [];
this.adminTabs = function(){
return adminTabs;
* Adds a new tab to the admin tabs.
* @method
* @name UI#registerAdminTab
* @param {string} name the name of the new tab e.g. 'new-tab' (use hyphens as separators)
* @param {view} view a url which points to an Angular template
* @param {object} [options]
* @example
* tc.ui().registerAdminTab('machine-types', pluginUrl + 'views/admin-machine-types.html', {
* insertAfter: 'downloads',
* controller: 'AdminMachineTypesController as adminMachineTypesController',
* multiFacility: true
* });
this.registerAdminTab = helpers.overload({
'string, string, object': function(name, view, options){
adminTabs.push({name: name, view: view, options: options});
var url = name;
if(options.multiFacility) url += "/:facilityName";
var state = {
url: url,
resolve: {
authenticate: function(Authenticate){
return Authenticate.authenticate();
params: options.params,
views: {
'': {
templateUrl: view,
controller: options.controller
RuntimeStatesProvider.addState('admin.' + name, state);
'string, string': function(name, view){
this.registerMainTab(name, view, {});
var cartButtons = [];
this.cartButtons = function(){ return cartButtons; };
* Adds a new button to the Cart.
* @method
* @name UI#registerCartButton
* @param {string} name the name of the new button e.g. 'new-button' (use hyphens as separators)
* @param {object} [options]
* @param {Function} click gets called when button is clicked
* @example
* tc.ui().registerCartButton('make-data-public', {insertBefore: 'cancel'}, function(){
* $uibModal.open({
* templateUrl : pluginUrl + 'views/make-data-public.html',
* controller: 'MakeDataPublicController as makeDataPublicController',
* size : 'md'
* });
* });
this.registerCartButton = helpers.overload({
'string, object, function': function(name, options, click){
cartButtons.push({name: name, options: options, click: click});
'string, function': function(name, click){
return this.registerCartButton(name, {}, click);
var entityActionButtons = [];
this.entityActionButtons = function(){ return entityActionButtons; };
* Adds a button to the end of the grid.
* @method
* @name UI#registerEntityActionButton
* @param {string} name
* @param {object} [options]
* @param {Function} click
this.registerEntityActionButton = helpers.overload({
'string, object, function': function(name, options, click){
options.entityTypes = options.entityTypes || ['investigation', 'dataset', 'datafile'];
entityActionButtons.push({name: name, options: options, click: click});
'string, function': function(name, click){
return this.registerEntityActionButton(name, {}, click);
var pages = [];
this.pages = function(){ return pages; };
* @method
* @name UI#registerPage
* @param {string} name
* @param {string} view
* @param {object} [options]
this.registerPage = helpers.overload({
'string, string, object': function(name, view, options){
pages.push({name: name, view: view, options: options});
var state = {
url: options.url || ('/' + name),
params: options.params,
views: {
'': {
templateUrl: view,
controller: options.controller
state['resolve'] = {
authenticate: function(Authenticate){
return Authenticate.authenticate();
RuntimeStatesProvider.addState(name, state);
'string, string': function(name, view){
this.registerPage(name, view, {});
var externalGridFilters = {};
this.externalGridFilters = function(){ return externalGridFilters; };
* @method
* @name UI#registerExternalGridFilter
* @param {string[]} states
* @param {object} [options]
this.registerExternalGridFilter = helpers.overload({
'array, object': function(states, options){
_.each(states, function(state){
externalGridFilters[state] = externalGridFilters[state] || [];
template: options.template || '',
setup: options.setup || function(){},
modifyQuery: options.modifyQuery || function(){}
this.browseGridAlternatives = {};
* Allows you to replace the grid component within the browse
* section at specific entity level.
* @method
* @name UI#registerBrowseGridAlternative
* @param {string} entityType
* @param {string} view
* @param {object} [options]
this.registerBrowseGridAlternative = helpers.overload({
'string, string, object': function(entityType, view, options){
this.browseGridAlternatives[entityType] = {
view: view,
options: options
'string, string': function(){
this.registerBrowseGridAlternative(entityType, view, {});