(function() {
'use strict';
var app = angular.module('topcat');
app.service('tcUserCart', function($q, $rootScope, $timeout, helpers, tcIcatEntity){
this.create = function(attributes, user){
return new Cart(attributes, user);
* @interface Cart
function Cart(attributes, user){
_.merge(this, attributes);
var facility = user.facility();
var that = this;
* Tests to see if item is already in Cart.
* @method
* @name Cart#isCartItem
* @param {string} entityType can be 'investigation', 'dataset' or 'datafile'
* @param {number} entityId the id of the entity
* @return {boolean}
this.isCartItem = function(entityType, entityId){
var out = false;
entityType = entityType.toLowerCase();
_.each(this.cartItems, function(cartItem){
if(cartItem.entityType == entityType && cartItem.entityId == entityId){
out = true;
return false;
return out;
this.getSize = helpers.overload({
* Gets the total size of the Cart.
* @method
* @name Cart#getSize
* @param {object} options {@link https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/service/$http#usage|as specified in the Angular documentation}
* @return {Promise<number>} the total size in bytes (defered)
'object': function(options){
var defered = $q.defer();
var out = 0;
helpers.throttle(10, 1, options.timeout, this.cartItems, function(cartItem){
return facility.icat().getSize(cartItem.entityType, cartItem.entityId,options).then(function(size){
out += size;
return defered.resolve(out);
return defered.promise;
* Gets the total size of the Cart.
* @method
* @name Cart#getSize
* @param {Promise} timeout if resolved will cancel the request
* @return {Promise<number>} the total size in bytes (defered)
'promise': function(timeout){
return this.getSize({timeout: timeout});
* Gets the total size of the Cart.
* @method
* @name Cart#getSize
* @return {Promise<number>} the total size in bytes (defered)
'': function(){
return this.getSize({});
this.getDatafileCount = helpers.overload({
* The total number of datafiles being requested in this Cart.
* @method
* @name Cart#getDatafileCount
* @param {object} options {@link https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/service/$http#usage|as specified in the Angular documentation}
* @return {Promise<number>} the total number of datafiles being requested (defered)
'object': function(options){
var defered = $q.defer();
var out = 0;
helpers.throttle(10, 1, options.timeout, this.cartItems, function(cartItem){
if(cartItem.entityType == 'investigation' || cartItem.entityType == 'dataset'){
var entity = tcIcatEntity.create({entityType: cartItem.entityType, id: cartItem.entityId}, facility);
return entity.getDatafileCount(options).then(function(datafileCount){
out += datafileCount;
} else {
return $q.resolve();
return defered.resolve(out);
return defered.promise;
* The total number of datafiles being requested in this Cart.
* @method
* @name Cart#getDatafileCount
* @param {Promise} timeout if resolved will cancel the request
* @return {Promise<number>} the total number of datafiles being requested (defered)
'promise': function(timeout){
return this.getDatafileCount({timeout: timeout});
* The total number of datafiles being requested in this Cart.
* @method
* @name Cart#getDatafileCount
* @return {Promise<number>} the total number of datafiles being requested (defered)
'': function(){
return this.getDatafileCount({});
_.each(this.cartItems, function(cartItem){
* @interface CartItem
cartItem.facilityName = facility.config().name;
* Deletes this item from the cart and returns the updated Cart.
* @method
* @name CartItem#delete
* @param {object} options {@link https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/service/$http#usage|as specified in the Angular documentation}
* @return {Promise<Cart>} the updated Cart (defered)
cartItem.delete = helpers.overload({
'object': function(options){
return user.deleteCartItem(this.id, options);
* Deletes this item from the cart and returns the updated Cart.
* @method
* @name CartItem#delete
* @param {Promise} timeout if resolved will cancel the request
* @return {Promise<Cart>} the updated Cart (defered)
'promise': function(timeout){
return this.delete({timeout: timeout});
* Deletes this item from the cart and returns the updated Cart.
* @method
* @name CartItem#delete
* @return {Promise<Cart>} the updated Cart (defered)
'': function(){
return this.delete({});
cartItem.entity = helpers.overload({
* Gets the corresponding IcatEntity.
* @method
* @name CartItem#entity
* @param {object} options {@link https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/service/$http#usage|as specified in the Angular documentation}
* @return {Promise<IcatEntity>}
'object': function(options){
return facility.icat().query([
"select ? from ? ? where ?.id = ?",
], options).then(function(entities){
return entities[0];
* Gets the corresponding IcatEntity.
* @method
* @name CartItem#entity
* @param {Promise} timeout if resolved will cancel the request
* @return {Promise<IcatEntity>}
'promise': function(timeout){
return this.entity({timeout: timeout});
* Gets the corresponding IcatEntity.
* @method
* @name CartItem#entity
* @return {Promise<IcatEntity>}
'': function(){
return this.entity({});
cartItem.getSize = helpers.overload({
* Gets the size of this item.
* @method
* @name CartItem#getSize
* @param {object} options {@link https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/service/$http#usage|as specified in the Angular documentation}
* @return {Promise<number>} the size in bytes (defered)
'object': function(options){
var that = this;
return this.entity(options).then(function(entity){
if(cartItem.entityType == 'datafile'){
that.size = entity.fileSize;
return $q.resolve(entity.fileSize);
} else {
return entity.getSize(options).then(function(size){
that.size = size;
return size;
* Gets the size of this item.
* @method
* @name CartItem#getSize
* @param {Promise} timeout if resolved will cancel the request
* @return {Promise<number>} the size in bytes (defered)
'promise': function(timeout){
return this.getSize({timeout: timeout});
* Gets the size of this item.
* @method
* @name CartItem#getSize
* @return {Promise<number>} the size in bytes (defered)
'': function(){
return this.getSize({});
cartItem.getDatafileCount = helpers.overload({
* Gets the size of this item.
* @method
* @name CartItem#datafileCount
* @param {object} options {@link https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/service/$http#usage|as specified in the Angular documentation}
* @return {Promise<number>} the size in bytes (defered)
'object': function(options){
var that = this;
return this.entity(options).then(function(entity){
if(cartItem.entityType == 'datafile'){
that.datafileCount = 1;
return $q.resolve(that.datafileCount);
} else {
return entity.getDatafileCount(options).then(function(datafileCount){
that.datafileCount = datafileCount;
return datafileCount;
* Gets the size of this item.
* @method
* @name CartItem#datafileCount
* @param {Promise} timeout if resolved will cancel the request
* @return {Promise<number>} the size in bytes (defered)
'promise': function(timeout){
return this.getDatafileCount({timeout: timeout});
* Gets the size of this item.
* @method
* @name CartItem#datafileCount
* @return {Promise<number>} the size in bytes (defered)
'': function(){
return this.getDatafileCount({});
var timeout = $q.defer();
var stopListeningForCartOpen = $rootScope.$on('cart:open', function(){
var stopListeningForCartChange = $rootScope.$on('cart:change', function(){
helpers.throttle(10, 10, timeout.promise, that.cartItems, function(cartItem){
return cartItem.getSize({
timeout: timeout.promise,
bypassInterceptors: true
helpers.mixinPluginMethods('cart', this);