Source: tc-icat-entity.service.js

(function() {
    'use strict';

    var app = angular.module('topcat');

    app.service('tcIcatEntity', function($http, $q, $rootScope, $state, $injector, helpers, icatSchema, plugins){
    	var tcIcatEntity = this;

    	this.create = function(attributes, facility){
    		return new IcatEntity(attributes, facility);

    	 * Represents the Icat entities as described in the {@link|Icat schema documentation} where it describes the attributes for each IcatEntity.
         * @interface IcatEntity
		function IcatEntity(attributes, facility){
			_.merge(this, attributes);
			var that = this;
			var icat = facility.icat();
			var facilityName = facility.config().name;

			this.facility = facility;

			if(this.investigationInstruments && this.investigationInstruments.length > 0){
				this.firstInstrumentName = this.investigationInstruments[0].instrument.fullName;
				this.instrumentNames =, function(investigationInstrument){
					return investigationInstrument.instrument.fullName;

			if(this.entityType == 'investigation'){
				this.getDatasetCount = helpers.overload({
					 *	Returns the total number of datasets for this investigation. Only applies to investigations. 
					 * @method
					 * @name IcatEntity#getDatasetCount
					 * @param  {object} options {@link$http#usage|as specified in the Angular documentation}
					 * @return {Promise<number>} the deferred number of datasets in this investigation
					'object': function(options){
						var that = this;
						options.lowPriority = true;

						var query = "select count(dataset) from Dataset dataset, dataset.investigation as investigation where = ?";
						var key = 'getDatasetCount:' + this.entityType + ":" +;
            			return icat.cache().getPromise(key, function(){ return icat.query([query,], options); }).then(function(response){
							 * The total number of datasets for this investigation. Only applies to investigations and only gets set after calling <code>getDatasetCount()</code>.
							 * @name  IcatEntity#datasetCount
							 * @type {number}
							that.datasetCount = response[0];
							return that.datasetCount;

					 *	Returns the total number of datasets for this investigation. Only applies to investigations. 
					 * @method
					 * @name IcatEntity#getDatasetCount
					 * @param  {Promise} timeout if resolved will cancel the request
					 * @return {Promise<number>} the deferred number of datasets in this investigation
					'promise': function(timeout){
						return this.getDatasetCount({timeout: timeout});

					 *	Returns the total number of datasets for this investigation. Only applies to investigations. 
					 * @method
					 * @name IcatEntity#getDatasetCount
					 * @return {Promise<number>} the deferred number of datasets in this investigation
					'': function(){
						return this.getDatasetCount({});

				this.getSize = helpers.overload({
					 *	Returns the total size of an investigation or dataset. Only applies to investigations and datasets. 
					 * @method
					 * @name IcatEntity#getSize
					 * @param  {object} options {@link$http#usage|as specified in the Angular documentation}
					 * @return {Promise<number>} the deferred total size of this investigation or dataset
					'object': function(options){
						var that = this;
						this.isGettingSize = true;
						return icat.getSize(this.entityType,, options).then(function(size){
							 * total size of an investigation or dataset. Only applies to investigations and datasets, and only gets set after calling <code>getSize()</code>.
							 * @name  IcatEntity#size
							 * @type {number}
							that.size = size;
							that.isGettingSize = false;
							return size;

					 *	Returns the total size of an investigation or dataset. Only applies to investigations and datasets. 
					 * @method
					 * @name IcatEntity#getSize
					 * @param  {Promise} timeout if resolved will cancel the request
					 * @return {Promise<number>} the deferred total size of this investigation or dataset
					'promise': function(timeout){
						return this.getSize({timeout: timeout});

					 *	Returns the total size of an investigation or dataset. Only applies to investigations and datasets. 
					 * @method
					 * @name IcatEntity#getSize
					 * @return {Promise<number>} the deferred total size of this investigation or dataset
					'': function(){
						return this.getSize({});

				this.getDatafileCount = helpers.overload({
					 *	Returns the total number of datafiles for this investigation or dataset. Only applies to investigations or datasets. 
					 * @method
					 * @name IcatEntity#getDatafileCount
					 * @param  {object} options {@link$http#usage|as specified in the Angular documentation}
					 * @return {Promise<number>} the deferred number of datafiles in this investigation or dataset
					'object': function(options){
						var that = this;
						options.lowPriority = true;

						var query;
						if(this.entityType == 'investigation'){
							query = "select count(datafile) from Datafile datafile, datafile.dataset as dataset, dataset.investigation as investigation where = ?";
						} else {
							query = "select count(datafile) from Datafile datafile, datafile.dataset as dataset where = ?";

						var key = 'getDatafileCount:' + this.entityType + ":" +;
            			return icat.cache().getPromise(key, function(){ return icat.query([query,], options); }).then(function(response){
							 * total number of datafiles for this investigation or dataset. Only applies to investigations or datasets, and only gets set after calling <code>getDatfileCount()</code>.
							 * @name  IcatEntity#datasetCount
							 * @type {number}
							that.datafileCount = response[0];
							return that.datafileCount;

					 *	Returns the total number of datafiles for this investigation or dataset. Only applies to investigations or datasets. 
					 * @method
					 * @name IcatEntity#getDatafileCount
					 * @param  {Promise} timeout if resolved will cancel the request
					 * @return {Promise<number>} the deferred number of datafiles in this investigation or dataset
					'promise': function(timeout){
						return this.getDatafileCount({timeout: timeout});

					 *	Returns the total number of datafiles for this investigation or dataset. Only applies to investigations or datasets. 
					 * @method
					 * @name IcatEntity#getDatafileCount
					 * @return {Promise<number>} the deferred number of datafiles in this investigation or dataset
					'': function(){
						return this.getDatafileCount({});


			if(this.entityType == 'datafile'){
				this.size = this.fileSize;

				this.getStatus = helpers.overload({
					 *	Returns whether or not this investigation, dataset or datafile is available or not. Only applies to investigations, datasets or datafiles on a two tier IDS. 
					 * @method
					 * @name IcatEntity#getStatus
					 * @param  {object} options {@link$http#usage|as specified in the Angular documentation}
					 * @return {Promise<string>} the deferred availability of this investigation, dataset or datafile. Can be either 'ONLINE', 'ARCHIVE' or 'RESTORING'
					'object': function(options){
						var that = this;
						return facility.ids().getStatus(this.entityType,, options).then(function(status){
							that.status = status;
							return status;

					 *	Returns whether or not this investigation, dataset or datafile is available or not. Only applies to investigations, datasets or datafiles on a two tier IDS. 
					 * @method
					 * @name IcatEntity#getStatus
					 * @param  {Promise} timeout if resolved will cancel the request
					 * @return {Promise<string>} the deferred availability of this investigation, dataset or datafile. Can be either 'ONLINE', 'ARCHIVE' or 'RESTORING'
					'promise': function(timeout){
						return this.getStatus({timeout: timeout});

					 *	Returns whether or not this investigation, dataset or datafile is available or not. Only applies to investigations, datasets or datafiles on a two tier IDS. 
					 * @method
					 * @name IcatEntity#getStatus
					 * @return {Promise<string>} the deferred availability of this investigation, dataset or datafile. Can be either 'ONLINE', 'ARCHIVE' or 'RESTORING'
					'': function(){
						return this.getStatus({});

			var parentQueries = {
				datafile: {
					dataset: function(ids){
						return [
							'select dataset from Datafile datafile, datafile.dataset as dataset',
							'where = ?', ids.datafile
				dataset: {
					investigation: function(ids){
						return [
							'select investigation from Dataset dataset, dataset.investigation as investigation',
							'where = ?', ids.dataset
				investigation: {
					instrument: function(ids){
						return [
							'select instrument from',
							'Investigation investigation,',
							'investigation.investigationInstruments as investigationInstrument,',
							'investigationInstrument.instrument as instrument',
							'where = ?', ids.investigation 
					facilityCycle: function(ids){
						return [
							'select facilityCycle from Investigation investigation,',
							'investigation.facility as facility,',
							'facility.facilityCycles as facilityCycle',
							'where investigation.startDate BETWEEN facilityCycle.startDate AND facilityCycle.endDate',
							'and = ?', ids.investigation
				facilityCycle: {
					instrument: function(ids){
						return [
							'select instrument from',
							'Investigation investigation,',
							'investigation.investigationInstruments as investigationInstrument,',
							'investigationInstrument.instrument as instrument',
							'where = ?', ids.investigation

			this.isValidPath = function(hierarchy, path){
				hierarchy = _.clone(hierarchy);
				for(var i = 0; i < path.length; i++){
					if(hierarchy[0] == path[i]){
					if(hierarchy.length == 0) break;
				return hierarchy.length == 0 && path.length - (i + 1)  == 0;

			this.findPath = function(hierarchy){
				var out = null;

				function traverse(entityName, path){
					if(out) return;

					if(!path) path = [];
					path = _.clone(path);


					if(that.isValidPath(hierarchy, path)) {
						out = path;

					var entityParentQueries = parentQueries[entityName];
						_.each(entityParentQueries, function(entityParentQuery, entityName){
							traverse(entityName, path);

				_.each(parentQueries, function(parentQuery, entityName){
					if(out) return false;

				return out;

			this.thisAndAncestors = function(){
				var hierarchy = _.clone(facility.config().hierarchy);
				var investigationPosition = _.indexOf(hierarchy, 'investigation');
				var proposalPosition = _.indexOf(hierarchy, 'proposal');

				if(investigationPosition > -1 && proposalPosition > -1){
					hierarchy.splice(proposalPosition, 1);
				} else if(proposalPosition > -1){
					hierarchy[proposalPosition] = 'investigation';

				var path = this.findPath(hierarchy) || [];
				var out = [];

				while(path.length > 0){
					if(path.pop() == this.entityType) break;

				return parent(this, {});

				function parent(entity, ids){
					if(path.length == 0) return $q.resolve(out);
					ids[entity.entityType] =;
					var parentEntityName = path.pop();
					var query = parentQueries[entity.entityType][parentEntityName](ids);
					return icat.query(query).then(function(entities){
						return parent(entities[0], ids);

			this.stateParams = function(){
					var out = _.clone($state.params);
					delete out.uiGridState;
					out[helpers.uncapitalize(this.entityType) + "Id"] =;
					return $q.resolve(out);
				} else {
					return this.thisAndAncestors().then(function(thisAndAncestors){
						var out = {};
						_.each(thisAndAncestors, function(entity){
							out[entity.entityType + "Id"] =;
							if(entity.entityType == 'investigation') out['proposalId'] =;
						return _.merge(out, {facilityName: facilityName});

			 * Redirects the user the to the relevant position in the "Browse" hierarchy.
			 * @method
			 * @name IcatEntity#browse
			this.browse = function(){
				var that = this;
					var state = [];
					var hierarchy =  facility.config().hierarchy;
					for(var i in hierarchy){
						if (('' + hierarchy[i - 1]).toLowerCase() == that.entityType.toLowerCase()) break;
					state = "home.browse.facility." + state.join('-');
					$state.go(state, params);

				this.dataset.entityType = "dataset";
				this.dataset = tcIcatEntity.create(this.dataset, facility);
				this.investigation.entityType = "investigation";
				this.investigation = tcIcatEntity.create(this.investigation, facility);

			this.addToCart = helpers.overload({
				 *	Adds this entity to the Cart and returns the updated Cart. Only applies to investigations, datasets or datafiles. 
				 * @method
				 * @name IcatEntity#addToCart
				 * @param  {object} options {@link$http#usage|as specified in the Angular documentation}
				 * @return {Promise<Cart>} the updated cart
				'object': function(options){
					return facility.user().cart(options).then().then(function(_cart){
						return facility.user().addCartItem(that.entityType.toLowerCase(),, options).then(function(cart){
							if(cart.cartItems.length > _cart.cartItems.length){
							return cart;

				 *	Adds this entity to the Cart and returns the updated Cart. Only applies to investigations, datasets or datafiles. 
				 * @method
				 * @name IcatEntity#addToCart
				 * @param  {Promise} timeout if resolved will cancel the request
				 * @return {Promise<Cart>} the updated cart
				'promise': function(timeout){
					return this.addToCart({timeout: timeout});

				 *	Adds this entity to the Cart and returns the updated Cart. Only applies to investigations, datasets or datafiles. 
				 * @method
				 * @name IcatEntity#addToCart
				 * @return {Promise<Cart>} the updated cart
				'': function(){
					return this.addToCart({});

			this.deleteFromCart = helpers.overload({
				 *	Deletes this entity from the Cart and returns the updated Cart. Only applies to investigations, datasets or datafiles. 
				 * @method
				 * @name IcatEntity#deleteFromCart
				 * @param  {object} options {@link$http#usage|as specified in the Angular documentation}
				 * @return {Promise<Cart>} the updated cart
				'object': function(options){
					return facility.user().deleteCartItem(this.entityType.toLowerCase(),, options);

				 *	Deletes this entity from the Cart and returns the updated Cart. Only applies to investigations, datasets or datafiles. 
				 * @method
				 * @name IcatEntity#addToCart
				 * @param  {Promise} timeout if resolved will cancel the request
				 * @return {Promise<Cart>} the updated cart
				'promise': function(timeout){
					return this.deleteFromCart({timeout: timeout});

				 *	Deletes this entity from the Cart and returns the updated Cart. Only applies to investigations, datasets or datafiles. 
				 * @method
				 * @name IcatEntity#addToCart
				 * @return {Promise<Cart>} the updated cart
				'': function(){
					return this.deleteFromCart({});

			var findCache = {};
			this.find = function(expression){
				if(findCache[expression]) return findCache[expression];
				if(expression == '') return [];

				var out = [];
				var matches;
				var variable;
				var predicate;
				var entityField;

				if(matches = expression.match(/^([^\[]+)\[(.*)\]\.([^\.]+)$/)){
					variable = matches[1];
					predicate = matches[2];
					entityField = matches[3];
				} else if(matches = expression.match(/^([^\[]+)\[(.*)\]$/)){
					variable = matches[1];
					predicate = matches[2];
				} else if(matches = expression.match(/^([^\.]+)\.([^\.]+)$/)){
					variable = matches[1];
					entityField = matches[2];
				} else {
					entityField = expression;

				var that = this;
				var variablePath = [];

				if(variable !== undefined && icatSchema.variableEntityTypes[variable] != this.entityType){
					var variablePaths = icatSchema.entityTypes[this.entityType].variablePaths;
						throw "Unknown expression for find(): " + expression;

					variablePath = _.clone(variablePaths[variable]);
						throw "Unknown expression for find(): " + expression;

				function traverse(entity){
					if(variablePath.length == 0){
						if(!predicate || eval(predicate)){
								var value = entity[entityField];
								if(value !== undefined){
							} else {

					} else {
						var fieldName = variablePath.shift();
						entity = entity[fieldName];
						if(entity instanceof Array){
							_.each(entity, function(entity){
						} else {

				out =_.uniq(out);

				findCache[expression] = out;

				return out;

			var children = {};
			_.each(icatSchema.entityTypes[this.entityType].variablePaths, function(path, variableName){
				var entityType = icatSchema.variableEntityTypes[variableName];
				if(path.length == 1){
					children[entityType] = path[0];

			_.each(children, function(name, entityType){
				if(that[name] instanceof Array){
					that[name] =[name], function(child){
						child.entityType = entityType;
						return tcIcatEntity.create(child, facility);
				} else if(typeof that[name] == 'object') {
					that[name].entityType = entityType;
					that[name] = tcIcatEntity.create(that[name], facility);

			_.each(plugins, function(plugin){
              if(plugin.extend && plugin.extend.entities && plugin.extend.entities[that.entityType]){
                $injector.invoke(plugin.extend.entities[that.entityType], that);


