(function() {
'use strict';
var app = angular.module('topcat');
app.service('tcUser', function($q, $rootScope, helpers, tcUserCart){
this.create = function(facility){
return new User(facility);
* @interface User
function User(facility){
var that = this;
this.facility = function(){
return facility;
this.downloads = helpers.overload({
* Returns the current user's downloads.
* @method
* @name User#downloads
* @param {array} queryOffset any JPQL from the where clause onwards
* @param {object} options {@link https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/service/$http#usage|as specified in the Angular documentation}
* @return {Promise<object[]>} a deferred list of downloads
'array, object': function(queryOffset, options){
queryOffset = helpers.buildQuery(queryOffset);
queryOffset = "where download.facilityName = " + helpers.jpqlSanitize(facility.config().name) + (queryOffset ? " AND " + queryOffset.replace(/^\s*where\s*/, '') : "");
return this.get('downloads', {
icatUrl: facility.config().icatUrl,
sessionId: facility.icat().session().sessionId,
queryOffset: queryOffset
}, options).then(function(downloads){
_.each(downloads, function(download){
download.delete = helpers.overload({
'object': function(options){
return that.deleteDownload(this.id, options);
'promise': function(timeout){
return this.delete({timeout: timeout});
'': function(){
return this.delete({});
return downloads;
* Returns the current user's downloads.
* @method
* @name User#downloads
* @param {Promise} timeout if resolved will cancel the request
* @param {array} queryOffset any JPQL from the where clause onwards
* @return {Promise<object[]>} a deferred list of downloads
'promise, array': function(timeout, queryOffset){
return this.downloads(queryOffset, {timeout: timeout});
* Returns the current user's downloads.
* @method
* @name User#downloads
* @param {array} queryOffset any JPQL from the where clause onwards
* @return {Promise<object[]>} a deferred list of downloads
'array': function(queryOffset){
return this.downloads(queryOffset, {});
* Returns the current user's downloads.
* @method
* @name User#downloads
* @param {Promise} timeout if resolved will cancel the request
* @param {string} queryOffset any JPQL from the where clause onwards
* @return {Promise<object[]>} a deferred list of downloads
'promise, string': function(timeout, queryOffset){
return this.downloads([queryOffset], {timeout: timeout});
* Returns the current user's downloads.
* @method
* @name User#downloads
* @param {string} queryOffset any JPQL from the where clause onwards
* @return {Promise<object[]>} a deferred list of downloads
'string': function(queryOffset){
return this.downloads([queryOffset]);
* Returns the current user's downloads.
* @method
* @name User#downloads
* @param {Promise} timeout if resolved will cancel the request
* @return {Promise<object[]>} a deferred list of downloads
'promise': function(timeout){
return this.downloads({timeout: timeout});
* Returns the current user's downloads.
* @method
* @name User#downloads
* @return {Promise<object[]>} a deferred list of downloads
'': function(){
return this.downloads([], {});
this.deleteDownload = helpers.overload({
* @method
* @name User#deleteDownload
* @param {string|number} id
* @param {object} options {@link https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/service/$http#usage|as specified in the Angular documentation}
* @return {Promise}
'string, object': function(id, options){
return this.put('download/' + id + '/isDeleted', {
icatUrl: facility.config().icatUrl,
sessionId: facility.icat().session().sessionId,
id: id,
value: 'true'
}, options).then(function(){
* @method
* @name User#deleteDownload
* @param {string|number} id
* @param {Promise} timeout if resolved will cancel the request
* @return {Promise}
'string, promise': function(id, timeout){
return this.deleteDownload(id, {timeout: timeout});
* @method
* @name User#deleteDownload
* @param {string|number} id
* @return {Promise}
'string': function(id){
return this.deleteDownload(id, {});
'number, object': function(id, options){
return this.deleteDownload("" + id, options);
'number, promise': function(id, timeout){
return this.deleteDownload("" + id, {timeout: timeout});
'number': function(id){
return this.deleteDownload("" + id, {});
this.setDownloadStatus = helpers.overload({
* @method
* @name User#setDownloadStatus
* @param {string|number} id
* @param {string} status can be 'ONLINE', 'ARCHIVE' or 'RESTORING'
* @param {object} options {@link https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/service/$http#usage|as specified in the Angular documentation}
* @return {Promise}
'string, string, object': function(id, status, options){
return this.put('download/' + id + '/status', {
icatUrl: facility.config().icatUrl,
sessionId: facility.icat().session().sessionId,
value: status
}, options);
* @method
* @name User#setDownloadStatus
* @param {Promise} timeout if resolved will cancel the request
* @param {string|number} id
* @param {string} status can be 'ONLINE', 'ARCHIVE' or 'RESTORING'
* @return {Promise}
'promise, string, string': function(timeout, id, status){
return this.setDownloadStatus(id, status, {timeout: timeout});
* @method
* @name User#setDownloadStatus
* @param {string|number} id
* @param {string} status can be 'ONLINE', 'ARCHIVE' or 'RESTORING'
* @return {Promise}
'string, string': function(id, status){
return this.setDownloadStatus(id, status, {});
'number, string, object': function(id, status, options){
return this.setDownloadStatus("" + id, status, options);
'promise, number, string': function(timeout, id, status){
return this.setDownloadStatus("" + id, status, {timeout: timeout});
'number, string': function(id, status){
return this.setDownloadStatus("" + id, status, {});
var cartCache;
this.cart = helpers.overload({
* @method
* @name User#cart
* @param {object} options {@link https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/service/$http#usage|as specified in the Angular documentation}
* @return {Promise<Cart>}
'object': function(options){
var defered = $q.defer();
return defered.promise;
return this.get('cart/' + facility.config().name, {
icatUrl: facility.config().icatUrl,
sessionId: facility.icat().session().sessionId
}, options).then(function(cart){
cart = tcUserCart.create(cart, that);
cartCache = cart;
return cart;
* @method
* @name User#cart
* @param {Promise} timeout if resolved will cancel the request
* @return {Promise<Cart>}
'promise': function(timeout){
return this.cart({timeout: timeout})
* @method
* @name User#cart
* @return {Promise<Cart>}
'': function(){
return this.cart({});
this.addCartItems = helpers.overload({
* @method
* @name User#addCartItems
* @param {array} items
* @param {object} options {@link https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/service/$http#usage|as specified in the Angular documentation}
* @return {Promise<Cart>}
'array, object': function(items, options){
return this.cart(options).then(function(cart){
var filteredItems = [];
_.each(items, function(item){
if(!cart.isCartItem(item.entityType, item.entityId)){
items = _.map(filteredItems, function(item){ return item.entityType + " " + item.entityId; }).join(',');
if(items != ''){
return that.post('cart/' + facility.config().name + '/cartItems', {
icatUrl: facility.config().icatUrl,
sessionId: facility.icat().session().sessionId,
items: items
}, options).then(function(cart){
cart = tcUserCart.create(cart, that);
cartCache = cart;
return cart;
return cart;
* @method
* @name User#addCartItems
* @param {Promise} timeout if resolved will cancel the request
* @param {array} items
* @return {Promise<Cart>}
'promise, array': function(timeout, items){
return this.addCartItems(items, {timeout: timeout});
* @method
* @name User#addCartItems
* @param {array} items
* @return {Promise<Cart>}
'array': function(items){
return this.addCartItems(items, {});
this.addCartItem = helpers.overload({
* @method
* @name User#addCartItem
* @param {string} entityType
* @param {number} entityId
* @param {object} options {@link https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/service/$http#usage|as specified in the Angular documentation}
* @return {Promise<Cart>}
'string, number, object': function(entityType, entityId, options){
return this.addCartItems([{entityType: entityType, entityId: entityId}], options);
* @method
* @name User#addCartItem
* @param {string} entityType
* @param {number} entityId
* @param {Promise} timeout if resolved will cancel the request
* @return {Promise<Cart>}
'string, number, promise': function(entityType, entityId, timeout){
return this.addCartItem(entityType, entityId, {timeout: timeout})
* @method
* @name User#addCartItem
* @param {string} entityType
* @param {number} entityId
* @return {Promise<Cart>}
'string, number': function(entityType, entityId){
return this.addCartItem(entityType, entityId, {});
this.deleteCartItems = helpers.overload({
* @method
* @name User#deleteCartItems
* @param {array} items
* @param {object} options {@link https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/service/$http#usage|as specified in the Angular documentation}
* @return {Promise<Cart>}
'array, object': function(items, options){
if(typeof items[0] == 'object'){
items = _.map(items, function(item){ return item.entityType + " " + item.entityId; });
items = items.join(',');
return this.delete('cart/' + facility.config().name + '/cartItems', {
icatUrl: facility.config().icatUrl,
sessionId: facility.icat().session().sessionId,
items: items
}, options).then(function(cart){
cart = tcUserCart.create(cart, that);
cartCache = cart;
return cart;
* @method
* @name User#deleteCartItems
* @param {Promise} timeout if resolved will cancel the request
* @param {array} items
* @return {Promise<Cart>}
'promise, array': function(timeout, items){
return this.deleteCartItems(items, {timeout: timeout});
* @method
* @name User#deleteCartItems
* @param {array} items
* @return {Promise<Cart>}
'array': function(items){
return this.deleteCartItems(items, {});
this.deleteCartItem = helpers.overload({
* @method
* @name User#deleteCartItem
* @param {string|number} id
* @param {object} options {@link https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/service/$http#usage|as specified in the Angular documentation}
* @return {Promise<Cart>}
'number, object': function(id, options){
return this.deleteCartItems([id], options);
* @method
* @name User#deleteCartItem
* @param {string|number} id
* @param {Promise} timeout if resolved will cancel the request
* @return {Promise<Cart>}
'number, promise': function(id, timeout){
return this.deleteCartItem(id, {timeout: timeout});
* @method
* @name User#deleteCartItem
* @param {string|number} id
* @return {Promise<Cart>}
'number': function(id){
return this.deleteCartItem(id, {});
'string, number, object': function(entityType, entityId, options){
return this.deleteCartItems([{entityType: entityType, entityId: entityId}], options);
'string, number, promise': function(entityType, entityId, timeout){
return this.deleteCartItem(entityType, entityId, {timeout: timeout});
'string, number': function(entityType, entityId){
return this.deleteCartItem(entityType, entityId, {});
this.deleteAllCartItems = helpers.overload({
* @method
* @name User#deleteAllCartItems
* @param {object} options {@link https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/service/$http#usage|as specified in the Angular documentation}
* @return {Promise<Cart>}
'object': function(options){
return this.delete('cart/' + facility.config().name + '/cartItems', {
icatUrl: facility.config().icatUrl,
sessionId: facility.icat().session().sessionId,
items: "*"
}, options).then(function(cart){
cart = tcUserCart.create(cart, that);
cartCache = cart;
return cart;
* @method
* @name User#deleteAllCartItems
* @param {Promise} timeout if resolved will cancel the request
* @return {Promise<Cart>}
'promise': function(timeout){
return this.deleteAllCartItems({timeout: timeout})
* @method
* @name User#deleteAllCartItems
* @return {Promise<Cart>}
'': function(){
return this.deleteAllCartItems({});
this.submitCart = helpers.overload({
* @method
* @name User#submitCart
* @param {string} fileName
* @param {string} transport
* @param {string} email
* @param {object} options {@link https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/service/$http#usage|as specified in the Angular documentation}
* @return {Promise<Cart>}
'string, string, string, object': function(fileName, transport, email, options){
var transportTypeIndex = {};
_.each(facility.config().downloadTransportTypes, function(downloadTransportTypes){
transportTypeIndex[downloadTransportTypes.type] = downloadTransportTypes
var transportType = transportTypeIndex[transport];
return this.post('cart/' + facility.config().name + '/submit', {
icatUrl: facility.config().icatUrl,
sessionId: facility.icat().session().sessionId,
fileName: fileName,
transport: transport,
email: email,
zipType: transportType.zipType ? transportType.zipType : '',
transportUrl: transportType.idsUrl
}, options).then(function(cart){
cart = tcUserCart.create(cart, that);
cartCache = cart;
return cart;
* @method
* @name User#submitCart
* @param {string} fileName
* @param {string} transport
* @param {string} email
* @param {Promise} timeout if resolved will cancel the request
* @return {Promise<Cart>}
'string, string, string, promise': function(fileName, transport, email, timeout){
return this.submitCart(fileName, transport, email, {timeout: timeout});
* @method
* @name User#submitCart
* @param {string} fileName
* @param {string} transport
* @param {string} email
* @return {Promise<Cart>}
'string, string, string': function(fileName, transport, email){
return this.submitCart(fileName, transport, email, {});
helpers.generateRestMethods(this, facility.tc().config().topcatUrl + "/topcat/user/");
helpers.mixinPluginMethods('user', this);