(function() {
'use strict';
var app = angular.module('topcat');
app.service('tcIcatQueryBuilder', function($q, helpers, icatSchema, tcIcatEntity){
var steps = {};
_.each(icatSchema.entityTypes, function(entitySchema, entityType){
_.each(entitySchema.variablePaths, function(path, variableName){
var matches;
if(path.length == 1){
steps[entityType + '.' + path[0]] = variableName;
this.create = function(icat, entityType){
return new IcatQueryBuilder(icat, entityType);
* @interface IcatQueryBuilder
* Allows incrementally builds a JPQL query and magically works out the joins.
function IcatQueryBuilder(icat, entityType){
var that = this;
var facility = icat.facility();
var facilityName = facility.config().name;
var tc = facility.tc();
var user = tc.user(facilityName);
var cart = user.cart();
var select = entityType;
var whereList = [];
var orderByList = [];
var includeList = [];
var variablePaths = icatSchema.entityTypes[entityType].variablePaths;
var limitOffset;
var limitCount;
* Adds in a where clause.
* @method
* @name IcatQueryBuilder#where
* @param {array} expression
* @return {IcatQueryBuilder} the current IcatQueryBuilder object to allow for chaining
* @example
* var investigationId = 3;
* tc.icat('LILS').queryBuilder('datafile').where(["investigation.id = ?", investigationId]).run().log()
* Adds in a where clause.
* @method
* @name IcatQueryBuilder#where
* @param {string} expression
* @return {IcatQueryBuilder} the current IcatQueryBuilder object to allow for chaining
* @example
* tc.icat('LILS').queryBuilder('datafile').where("investigation.id = 3").run().log()
this.where = function(expression){
if(whereList.length > 0) whereList.push('and');
return this;
* Orders the results to be returned by a field name.
* @method
* @name IcatQueryBuilder#orderBy
* @param {string} fieldName the field name which you wish to order by
* @param {string} direction can be either 'asc' (ascending) or 'desc' (descending)
* @return {IcatQueryBuilder} the current IcatQueryBuilder object to allow for chaining
* Orders the results to be returned by a field name in ascending order.
* @method
* @name IcatQueryBuilder#orderBy
* @param {string} fieldName the field name which you wish to order by
* @return {IcatQueryBuilder} the current IcatQueryBuilder object to allow for chaining
this.orderBy = function(fieldName, direction){
if(!direction) direction = 'asc';
orderByList.push(fieldName + ' ' + direction);
return this;
* Adds in a limit clause to the JPQL expression
* @method
* @name IcatQueryBuilder#limit
* @param {string} offset the number of entities you want to skip
* @param {string} count the max number entities you want returned
* @return {IcatQueryBuilder} the current IcatQueryBuilder object to allow for chaining
* Adds in a limit clause to the JPQL expression
* @method
* @name IcatQueryBuilder#limit
* @param {string} count the max number entities you want returned
* @return {IcatQueryBuilder} the current IcatQueryBuilder object to allow for chaining
this.limit = function(arg1, arg2){
limitOffset = arg1;
limitCount = arg2;
} else {
limitOffset = 0;
limitCount = arg1;
return this;
this.include = function(variableName){
var variablePath = variablePaths[variableName] || [];
var path = _.flatten([[entityType], variablePath]).join('.');
if(!_.contains(includeList, path) && entityType != path && !(entityType == 'proposal' && variableName == 'investigation')){
return this;
this.build = function(functionName, fieldName, investigationName){
var out = [];
var distinct = functionName == 'count' ? 'distinct ' : '';
if(entityType == 'proposal'){
out.push(["select ?(?investigation.?)", functionName.safe(), distinct.safe(), fieldName.safe()]);
} else {
out.push(["select ?(?investigation)", functionName.safe(), distinct.safe()]);
} else {
out.push(["select investigation"]);
} else {
out.push(["select ?(distinct investigation.?)", functionName.safe(), fieldName.safe()]);
} else {
out.push(["select ?(distinct investigation.name)", functionName.safe()]);
} else {
out.push(["select distinct investigation.name"]);
"from Investigation investigation"
} else {
out.push(["select ?(??.?)", functionName.safe(), distinct.safe(), entityType.safe(), fieldName.safe()]);
} else {
out.push(["select ?(??)", functionName.safe(), distinct.safe(), entityType.safe()]);
} else {
out.push(["select distinct ?", entityType.safe()]);
"from ? ?", helpers.capitalize(entityType).safe(), entityType.safe()
var whereQuery = _.clone(whereList);
var whereQueryFragment = helpers.buildQuery(whereQuery);
var impliedPaths = {};
_.each(variablePaths, function(path, name){
if(name != entityType && whereQueryFragment.indexOf(name) >= 0){
impliedPaths[name] = path;
_.each(orderByList, function(orderBy){
var name = orderBy.replace(/\.[^\.]+$/, '');
if(name != entityType){
impliedPaths[name] = variablePaths[name];
if(impliedPaths.facilityCycle || entityType == 'facilityCycle'){
if(whereQuery.length > 0) whereQuery.push('and');
whereQuery.push('investigation.startDate BETWEEN facilityCycle.startDate AND facilityCycle.endDate')
if(entityType != 'investigation' && entityType != 'proposal'){
impliedPaths['investigation'] = variablePaths['investigation'];
if(whereQuery.length > 0) whereQuery.push('and');
whereQuery.push(["investigation.name = ?", investigationName]);
if(entityType == 'proposal'){
var alteredImpliedPaths = {}
_.each(impliedPaths, function(path, name){
path = path.slice(1);
alteredImpliedPaths[name] = path;
impliedPaths = alteredImpliedPaths;
var impliedVars = this.impliedPathsToImpliedSteps(impliedPaths);
var joins = [];
_.each(impliedVars, function(name, pair){
joins.push([", ? as ?", pair.safe(), name.safe()]);
if(joins.length > 0){
if(whereQuery.length > 0){
out.push(['where', whereQuery]);
if(orderByList.length > 0){
out.push(['ORDER BY', orderByList.join(', ')]);
if(!functionName && limitCount && !investigationName){
out.push(['limit ?, ?', limitOffset, limitCount]);
if(!functionName && includeList.length > 0 && !investigationName){
out.push(['include', includeList.join(', ')]);
return helpers.buildQuery(out);
this.impliedPathsToImpliedSteps = function(impliedPaths){
var out = {};
_.each(impliedPaths, function(path, variableName){
var currentVariableName = entityType;
var currentEntityType = entityType;
_.each(path, function(relationship){
if(currentEntityType == 'proposal') currentEntityType = 'investigation';
if(currentVariableName == 'proposal') currentVariableName = 'investigation';
var stepPair = currentVariableName + "." + relationship;
var entityPair = currentEntityType + "." + relationship;
currentVariableName = steps[entityPair];
out[stepPair] = currentVariableName;
currentEntityType = icatSchema['variableEntityTypes'][currentVariableName];
return out;
this.run = helpers.overload({
* Runs the query on the Icat server.
* @method
* @name IcatQueryBuilder#run
* @param {object} options {@link https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/service/$http#usage|as specified in the Angular documentation}
* @return {Promise<IcatEntity[]>} a deferred array of icat entities
'object': function(options){
var out = icat.query([this.build()], options);
if(entityType == 'proposal'){
var defered = $q.defer();
var promises = [];
var proposals = [];
_.each(names, function(name){
promises.push(icat.query([that.build(null, null, name)], options).then(function(investigations){
var proposal = {};
proposal.entityType = "proposal";
proposal.id = investigations[0].name;
proposal.name = investigations[0].name;
proposal.investigations = investigations;
proposal = tcIcatEntity.create(proposal, icat.facility());
var proposalIndex = {};
_.each(proposals, function(proposal){
proposalIndex[proposal.name] = proposal;
proposals = _.map(names, function(name){
return proposalIndex[name]
return defered.promise;
} else {
return out;
* Runs the query on the Icat server.
* @method
* @name IcatQueryBuilder#run
* @param {Promise} timeout if resolved the request will be cancelled
* @return {Promise<IcatEntity[]>} a deferred array of icat entities
'promise': function(timeout){
return this.run({timeout: timeout});
* Runs the query on the Icat server.
* @method
* @name IcatQueryBuilder#run
* @return {Promise<IcatEntity[]>} a deferred array of icat entities
'': function(){
return this.run({});
this.count = helpers.overload({
* Counts the number of results that will be returned.
* @method
* @name IcatQueryBuilder#count
* @param {object} options {@link https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/service/$http#usage|as specified in the Angular documentation}
* @return {Promise<number>} the number results to be returned (deferred)
'object': function(options){
return icat.query([this.build('count')], options).then(function(results){
return results[0];
* Counts the number of results that will be returned.
* @method
* @name IcatQueryBuilder#count
* @param {Promise} timeout if resolved the request will be cancelled
* @return {Promise<number>} the number results to be returned (deferred)
'promise': function(timeout){
return this.count({timeout: timeout});
* Counts the number of results that will be returned.
* @method
* @name IcatQueryBuilder#count
* @return {Promise<number>} the number results to be returned (deferred)
'': function(){
return this.count({});
this.min = helpers.overload({
'string, object': function(fieldName, options){
return icat.query([this.build('min', fieldName)], options).then(function(results){
return results[0];
'string, promise': function(fieldName, timeout){
return this.min(fieldName, {timeout: timeout});
'string': function(fieldName){
return this.min(fieldName, {});
this.max = helpers.overload({
'string, object': function(fieldName, options){
return icat.query([this.build('max', fieldName)], options).then(function(results){
return results[0];
'string, promise': function(fieldName, timeout){
return this.max(fieldName, {timeout: timeout});
'string': function(fieldName){
return this.max(fieldName, {});