Combining Grid Columns
The following partial configuration shows how you can combine columns:
"facilities": [
"browse": {
"investigation": {
"gridOptions": {
columnDefs: [
"field": "investigationVisit",
"jpqlFilter": "CONCAT(, '-', investigation.visitId)",
"jpqlSort": ", investigation.visitId",
"cellTemplate": "<div class='ui-grid-cell-contents'>{{}}-{{row.entity.visitId}}</div>",
"breadcrumb": true,
"breadcrumbTemplate": "{{}}-{{item.entity.visitId}}"
"metaTabs": [...]
"proposal": {...},
"dataset": {...},
"datafile": {...}
- The “field” attribute can be anything you want but will map on a lang.json substitution; in this case BROWSE.COLUMN.INVESTIGATION.INVESTIGATION_VISIT.
- The “jpqlFilter” attribute is a jpql expression that represents this column when filtering.
- The “jpqlSort” attribute is a jpql expression that represents this column when sorting.
- The “cellTemplate” attribute is an angular template for this particular column’s cells.
- The “breadcrumb” attribute tells Topcat to include this column in the breadcrumb.
- The “breadcrumbTemplate” attribute is an angular template that is used to represent this column in the breadcrumb.