

  • The ice distribution:
  • A suitable deployed container (here assumed to be glassfish though tomcat should be sufficient) to support a web application. Testing has been carried out with Glassfish 3.1.2. Installation Instructions are available.
  • A deployed ICAT 4.2 or 4.3 - not necessarily on the same server where you will install ice

Summary of steps

  1. Download and unpack the distribution,
  2. copy to the right place and edit it to meet requirements,
  3. deploy the .war file,
  4. and see if it works.

In the distribution you will find an file which should be copied to the config directory for your chosen glassfish domain. You will find your domain directory at $GLASSFISH_HOME/glassfish/domains. The file will need some changes - at least the ICAT it is talking to.

Is the url of the ICAT you wish to edit. With a regular installation this is of the form:
is a space separated list of entities which ICE will be able to edit. It is used to configure a drop down menu.
Is a space separated list of names of authentication methods (such as ldap, db, simple, anon ...). For each item in the list futher properties must be defined as indicated below.
is the space separated list of keywords needed by the named authentication method. Many require username and password while anon expects an empty list.
This is optional for each keyword. The default is true. If set to false the value of the keyword will not be echoed on the screen.

Installing the .war file

If you already have an ice installed then you should first remove it with asadmin --port 4848 undeploy <war> where the value of "war" can be found by: asadmin --port 4848 list-applications Install the application with the command: asadmin --port 4848 deploy --contextroot ice ice-1.0.0.war . If you have only one domain you may not need to specify the port and if the admin port is not 4848 then specify the correct value.

Check that ICE works

Go to https://<host>:<port>/ice and the application should start and you will be prompted for an ICAT login. The login box will have a pull down list of authentication methods. Use of them to login in and check that the set of beans you may edit is the expected set as defined in beans.list. Please have a look at the user guide to see how to use ice .

In case of problems, look at the log files: server.log and ice.log which can both be found in the logs directory below your domain. If you have errors in your the application will not respond.