IDS Server Release Notes


Bug fix release

  • #164, #165: Fix duplicate calls of mainStorage.lock() in LockManager.


  • #122: Bump dependency on logback-classic to version 1.2.0.
  • #134: Bump dependency on commons-fileupload to version 1.5
  • #128: Use python3 instead of python in the interpreter line of Python scripts


Improve performance in some cases

  • #115, #118: Work around an issue in icat.server that causes queries to take much longer then tolerable.
  • #116: Bump icat.utils to version 4.16.1.
  • #113: Bump dependency on junit to version 4.13.1.


Various small enhancements

  • #104, #110: Extend getStatus() and getSize() to accept a preparedID.
  • #105, #106: Add an optional configuration option enableWrite.
  • #108: The API calls archive, restore, and write throw NotImplementedException in the case of single level storage.
  • #103: Bump dependency on commons-fileupload to version 1.3.3.


Bug fix release

  • #101: Fix write call fails with DataNotOnlineError if an ARCHIVE request is pending.
  • Documentation fixes.


Add file system locking in the storage plugin

  • #80: Call mainStorage.lock(DsInfo, boolean) whenever a dataset is locked internally. This call has been added to MainStorageInterface ids.plugin 1.5.0. The plugin may implement this call to acquire a file system lock. This would then allow safe concurrent access to main storage for other processes.
  • #94: Add new configuration properties delayDatasetWritesSeconds and delayDatafileOperationsSeconds, replacing writeDelaySeconds. Deprecate writeDelaySeconds.
  • #96: Error handling in DsRestorer in the case of a corrupt ZIP archive.
  • Require ids.plugin 1.5.0.


Bug fix release

  • #87: Fix uncaught exception in DfRestorer can cause restoration to stall until IDS is restarted.
  • #85: Fix once again JMS Session not closed if an exception is thrown. The previous fix from 1.9.0 was not thread safe.
  • #92: Fix: must escape single quote character in datafile location values when building JPQL queries.


Add a new Write API call and review the internal locking

  • #67: Add a new Write API call that triggers write to archive storage.
  • #59: Review of the internal locking mechanism which fixes various race conditions.
  • #63: Ignore Datafiles having the location attribute not set.
  • #84: Change the HTTP status returned on DataNotOnlineException to 503.
  • #85: Fix JMS Session not closed if an exception is thrown.
  • #75: Add a configuration option "testHome" to be set in settings.xml. Files are created relative to this directory when running the tests.
  • Tests are now independent of locale.
  • Glassfish 4.0 is no longer supported


Bug fix release - with new style deployment

  • Workaround for oracle planning bug
  • Make the implementation of getSize much more efficient.
  • Modified a ContainerResponseFilter to allow Content-Type headers to be transmitted properly.
  • Provided a restful "version" call. The getApiVersion call is marked as deprecated.
  • Make isPrepared more efficient.
  • Ensure that Tidier action runs at high priority.
  • Plugins need a slightly different interface - hence the move to 1.8.0
  • File checker for Datasets no longer generates an error for an empty Dataset
  • Add list of failed restores to the information returned by getServiceStatus.
  • Avoid marking files as unavailable when unsure
  • The prepareData call resets flags marking previous restore failures.


Deal with multiple Datafiles with the same location and bug fixes

  • If the icat.url in the file contains a recognised wsdl suffix it will be removed. It is better not to include any suffix however.
  • It is now permissible to have multiple Datafiles with the same location. The IDS has no mechanism to write such as structure however it can arise from an icat call to the cloneEntity operation or by storing and cataloguing data outside the IDS. It is possible for the getSize call to be inaccurate however as a physical file may be counted more than once.


Checks the value of maxEntities from the ICAT it is using and various improvements and bug fixes.

  • No attempt will be made to restore a file when it is already on-line
  • The server checks the value of maxEntities from the ICAT it is using to avoid generating queries that will fail in ICAT.
  • The messages from the file checker have been improved when storage is by dataset and a zip file is found to be corrupt.
  • Now waits for ICAT connection if ICAT not available at startup.
  • Protect against non numeric values being passed to the put call.
  • Produces JMS logging for all calls as specified in the file
  • Moved to the latest icat.utils to support multiple containers
  • Uses logback via slf4j rather than log4j via slf4j
  • A race condition has been avoided which could have resulted in the loss of data
  • If writing to secondary storage fails then archive is inhibited for that data set or data file. This is to prevent data loss.
  • Code changed to be more efficient when dealing with very large investigations or data sets.
  • container specified in must an entry from TargetServer Though only Glassfish is working properly at the moment.


New getDatafileIds, getIcatUrl and improved performance of prepareData.

  • Added getDatafileIds call.
  • Improved performance of prepareData by performing some operations asynchronously.
  • Changed values of filesCheck.lastIdFile and filesCheck.errorLog to be relative to ../data/ids rather than ../data/icat in the file.
  • getStatus allows sessionId to be null.


New getIcatUrl and now uses icat 4.5 client.

  • Bug fix release to fix handling of corrupt filesCheck.lastIdFile file.
  • Work with icat 4.5
  • Added getIcatUrl call.
  • All calls now produce CORS headers.


Bug fix release to fix file handle leak.

  • Minor corrections to the documentation.
  • Ensure that files are closed when returned individually.
  • Remove redundant (and possibly dangerous) line of code from DsWriter.


Add getApiVersion call, make major change to prepareData, make it also support archive by datafile and provide the option of protecting Datafile.location with a cryptographic hash.

  • getApiVersion call added to return version of server
  • values: preparedCacheSize1024bytes, datasetCacheSize1024bytes, compressDatasetCache, and tolerateWrongCompression are no longer used.
  • value preparedCount has changed its meaning.
  • value tidyBlockSize has been added.
  • value maxIdsInQuery has been added.
  • The json string returned by getServiceStatus has changed.
  • The Datafile.location value can be protected by a cryptographic hash. This is enabled by adding a property "key" to the file.


For two level storage clean up main storage as needed.

  • Add parameters: startArchivingLevel1024bytes, stopArchivingLevel1024bytes and linkLifetimeSeconds.
  • Cope with some obscure file checker errors.
  • Datasets are archived when main storage becomes too full.


Provide background file checking and facility control of returned zip file structure.

  • Another file handle leak fixed.
  • Compatible with plugin interface 1.1.0.
  • Provide background file checking - which requires that the parameter checkFiles.parallelCount is set to an integer. If the integer is non zero then other entries must be set in the file.
  • needs a new parameter: plugin.zipMapper.class which identifies the code to define the zip file structure.


Bug fix release.

  • Files are now being closed properly to avoid running out of file handles.


Initial public release.