

This will work with an ICAT version of 4.3.0 or greater.


  • The ids distribution:
  • A suitable deployed container (here assumed to be glassfish though tomcat should be sufficient) to support a web application. Testing has been carried out with Glassfish 4.0. Glassfish installation instructions are available.
  • A deployed plugin or plugins for the storage mechanism you wish to use. Please see plugin to see the interface you must implement. You might also like to look at the file storage plugin as an example.
  • Python (version 2.4 to 2.7) installed on the server.

Summary of steps

  1. Please follow the generic installation instructions
  2. Check that it works.

The file

is the top level of the glassfish installation. It must contain "glassfish/domains".
is the administration port of the chosen glassfish domain which is typically 4848.

The file

General Properties

The url of the machine hosting the icat service. It should normally just have the scheme, the hostname and the port. For example:
The class name of the ZipMapper which defines the Zip file structure you want. The class must be deployed in the lib/applibs directory of your domain and must be packaged with all it dependencies.
The class name of the main storage plugin. The class must be deployed in the lib/applibs directory of your domain and must be packaged with all it dependencies.
Optional property file for the main storage plugin.
The location (absolute or relative to the config directory of the domain) of a directory to hold mostly zip files.
The maximum size to allow for prepared zip files in the cache.
The maximum number of failed prepareData attempts to hold in memory.
The frequency of checking the process queue. This is used both for cleaning old information from memory and for triggering movements between main and archive storage (if selected).
A space separated list of users allowed to make the getServiceStatus call.
How frequently to check the cache sizes and clean up if necessary.
If true disables write operations (put and delete).
space separated icat plugin name and credentials for a user permitted to read all datasets, datafiles, investigations and facilities. For example: db username db/root password password. This is only required if you are using archive storage or if you enable file checking by setting filesCheck.parallelCount to be greater than 0.

Properties for archive storage

The class name of the archive storage plugin. The class must be deployed in the lib/applibs directory of your domain and must be packaged with all it dependencies.
Optional property file for the archive storage plugin.
The maximum size to allow for dataset zip files in the cache.
The amount of time to wait before writing to archive storage. This exists to allow enough time for all the datafiles to be added to a dataset before it is zipped and written.
If true the dataset cache and the archive storage of datasets will all be compressed. This takes longer to write and is only useful if you know that the data will compress well.
If true a get or prepareData which is for a single dataset will make use of the dataset cache even though it does not match the requested compression.

Properties for file checking

When a datafile is added to the IDS its length and checksum are computed and stored in ICAT. File checking, if enabled, cycles through all the stored data making sure that they can be read and that files have the expected size and checksum.

This must always be set, and if non zero then the readability of the data will be checked. The behaviour is dependent upon whether or not archive storage has a been requested. In the case of single level storage this is done in groups of files where the group size is defined by this parameter. If archive storage has been requested then only the archive is checked. Each file in the archive holds a complete dataset and this filesCheck.parallelCount parameter then defines how many dataset files will be checked in parallel.

In the case of checking datasets in the archive storage these are unzipped on the fly to compute the checksum of each file inside the zip file as well as its length.

If the archive storage has a long latency then it is useful to have a "large" value, however a thread is started for each stored file so the value of this parameter should not be too large.

the number of seconds to wait before launching a check of the next batch of datafiles or datasets.
the location of a file which is used to store the id value of the last datafile or dataset to be checked. This is so that if the IDS is restarted it will continue checking where it left off. If this file is deleted the ids will restart checking from the beginning. The parameters filesCheck.parallelCount and filesCheck.gapSeconds should be set so that the data are all checked with the desired frequency but without excessive I/O. A nagios plugin might check that this file is being written periodically and that its contents change.
the file with a list of errors found. The file is not kept open but instead is opened in append mode each time a problem is spotted and then closed. A nagios plugin might be set up to watch this file. Entries in the file are data stamped and new entries are simply appended without regard for the existence of an entry for the same file.

Check that the ids server works

Enter a url of the form into a web browse and it should respond: IdsOK . Note the url is that of the machine hosting the IDS followed by "/ids/ping"

Possible glassfish problem

With this component installed it can be impossible to start the glassfish domain. The conditions under which this occurs are not understood. A recipe to get glassfish started may be found at the bottom of: http:/ . The issue has not been seen with glassfish 4.