Application, DataCollection, DataCollectionDatafile, DataCollectionDataset, DataCollectionParameter, Datafile, DatafileFormat, DatafileParameter, Dataset, DatasetParameter, DatasetType, Facility, FacilityCycle, Grouping, Instrument, InstrumentScientist, Investigation, InvestigationGroup, InvestigationInstrument, InvestigationParameter, InvestigationType, InvestigationUser, Job, Keyword, Log, ParameterType, PermissibleStringValue, PublicStep, Publication, RelatedDatafile, Rule, Sample, SampleParameter, SampleType, Shift, Study, StudyInvestigation, User, UserGroup
Some piece of software
Uniqueness constraint facility, name, version
Card | Class | Field | Cascaded | Description |
0,* | Job | jobs | Yes | |
1,1 | Facility | facility |
Field | Type | Description |
name | String [255] NOT NULL | A short name for the software - e.g. mantid |
version | String [255] NOT NULL |
A set of Datafiles and Datasets which can span investigations and facilities. Note that it has no constraint fields. It is expected that a DataCollection would be identified by its parameters or its relationship to a Job.
Card | Class | Field | Cascaded | Description |
0,* | Job | jobsAsOutput | Yes | |
0,* | DataCollectionDataset | dataCollectionDatasets | Yes | |
0,* | DataCollectionParameter | parameters | Yes | |
0,* | Job | jobsAsInput | Yes | |
0,* | DataCollectionDatafile | dataCollectionDatafiles | Yes |
Represents a many-to-many relationship between a DataCollection and its Datafiles.
Uniqueness constraint dataCollection, datafile
Card | Class | Field | Cascaded | Description |
1,1 | DataCollection | dataCollection | ||
1,1 | Datafile | datafile |
Represents a many-to-many relationship between a DataCollection and its datasets.
Uniqueness constraint dataCollection, dataset
Card | Class | Field | Cascaded | Description |
1,1 | Dataset | dataset | ||
1,1 | DataCollection | dataCollection |
A parameter associated with a DataCollection
Uniqueness constraint dataCollection, type
Card | Class | Field | Cascaded | Description |
1,1 | ParameterType | type | The type of the parameter | |
1,1 | DataCollection | dataCollection | The associated DataCollection |
Field | Type | Description |
numericValue | Double | The value if the parameter is numeric |
stringValue | String [4000] | The value if the parameter is a string |
dateTimeValue | Date | The value if the parameter is a date |
rangeTop | Double | The maximum value of the numeric parameter that was observed during the measurement period |
rangeBottom | Double | The minimum value of the numeric parameter that was observed during the measurement period |
error | Double | The error of the numeric parameter |
A data file
Uniqueness constraint dataset, name
Card | Class | Field | Cascaded | Description |
0,1 | DatafileFormat | datafileFormat | ||
0,* | RelatedDatafile | sourceDatafiles | Yes | |
0,* | DatafileParameter | parameters | Yes | |
0,* | RelatedDatafile | destDatafiles | Yes | |
0,* | DataCollectionDatafile | dataCollectionDatafiles | Yes | |
1,1 | Dataset | dataset | The dataset which holds this file |
Field | Type | Description |
name | String [255] NOT NULL | A name given to the file |
description | String [255] | A full description of the file contents |
fileSize | Long | Expressed in bytes |
doi | String [255] | The Digital Object Identifier associated with this data file |
datafileCreateTime | Date | Date of creation of the actual file rather than storing the metadata |
location | String [255] | The logical location of the file - which may also be the physical location |
checksum | String [255] | Checksum of file represented as a string |
datafileModTime | Date | Date of modification of the actual file rather than of the metadata |
A data file format
Uniqueness constraint facility, name, version
Card | Class | Field | Cascaded | Description |
1,1 | Facility | facility | The facility which has defined this format | |
0,* | Datafile | datafiles | Yes | Files with this format |
Field | Type | Description |
description | String [255] | An informal description of the format |
name | String [255] NOT NULL | A short name identifying the format -e.g. "mp3" within the facility |
version | String [255] NOT NULL | The version if needed. The version code may be part of the basic name |
type | String [255] | Holds the underlying format - such as binary or text |
A parameter associated with a data file
Uniqueness constraint datafile, type
Card | Class | Field | Cascaded | Description |
1,1 | ParameterType | type | The type of the parameter | |
1,1 | Datafile | datafile | The associated data file |
Field | Type | Description |
numericValue | Double | The value if the parameter is numeric |
stringValue | String [4000] | The value if the parameter is a string |
dateTimeValue | Date | The value if the parameter is a date |
rangeTop | Double | The maximum value of the numeric parameter that was observed during the measurement period |
rangeBottom | Double | The minimum value of the numeric parameter that was observed during the measurement period |
error | Double | The error of the numeric parameter |
A collection of data files and part of an investigation
Uniqueness constraint investigation, name
Card | Class | Field | Cascaded | Description |
1,1 | DatasetType | type | ||
0,1 | Sample | sample | ||
0,* | Datafile | datafiles | Yes | The data files within the dataset |
0,* | DataCollectionDataset | dataCollectionDatasets | Yes | |
1,1 | Investigation | investigation | ||
0,* | DatasetParameter | parameters | Yes |
Field | Type | Description |
startDate | Date | |
location | String [255] | Identifies a location from which all the files of the data set might be accessed. It might be a directory |
complete | boolean NOT NULL | May be set to true when all data files and parameters have been added to the data set. The precise meaning is facility dependent. |
description | String [255] | An informal description of the data set |
name | String [255] NOT NULL | A short name for the data set |
endDate | Date | |
doi | String [255] | The Digital Object Identifier associated with this data set |
A parameter associated with a data set
Uniqueness constraint dataset, type
Card | Class | Field | Cascaded | Description |
1,1 | Dataset | dataset | The associated data set | |
1,1 | ParameterType | type | The type of the parameter |
Field | Type | Description |
numericValue | Double | The value if the parameter is numeric |
stringValue | String [4000] | The value if the parameter is a string |
dateTimeValue | Date | The value if the parameter is a date |
rangeTop | Double | The maximum value of the numeric parameter that was observed during the measurement period |
rangeBottom | Double | The minimum value of the numeric parameter that was observed during the measurement period |
error | Double | The error of the numeric parameter |
A type of data set
Uniqueness constraint facility, name
Card | Class | Field | Cascaded | Description |
0,* | Dataset | datasets | Yes | |
1,1 | Facility | facility | The facility which has defined this data set type |
Field | Type | Description |
name | String [255] NOT NULL | A short name identifying this data set type within the facility |
description | String [255] | A description of this data set type |
An experimental facility
Uniqueness constraint name
Card | Class | Field | Cascaded | Description |
0,* | Investigation | investigations | Yes | |
0,* | ParameterType | parameterTypes | Yes | |
0,* | FacilityCycle | facilityCycles | Yes | |
0,* | InvestigationType | investigationTypes | Yes | |
0,* | Instrument | instruments | Yes | |
0,* | DatafileFormat | datafileFormats | Yes | |
0,* | Application | applications | Yes | |
0,* | SampleType | sampleTypes | Yes | |
0,* | DatasetType | datasetTypes | Yes |
Field | Type | Description |
daysUntilRelease | Integer | The number of days before data is made freely available after collecting it. |
fullName | String [255] | The full name of the facility |
description | String [1023] | A description of this facility |
name | String [255] NOT NULL | A short name identifying this facility |
url | String [255] | A URL associated with this facility |
An operating cycle within a facility
Uniqueness constraint facility, name
Card | Class | Field | Cascaded | Description |
1,1 | Facility | facility | The facility which has this cycle |
Field | Type | Description |
endDate | Date | End of cycle |
startDate | Date | Start of cycle |
name | String [255] NOT NULL | A short name identifying this facility cycle within the facility |
description | String [255] | A description of this facility cycle |
A group of users
Uniqueness constraint name
Card | Class | Field | Cascaded | Description |
0,* | UserGroup | userGroups | Yes | |
0,* | InvestigationGroup | investigationGroups | Yes | |
0,* | Rule | rules | Yes |
Field | Type | Description |
name | String [255] NOT NULL | A short name identifying this group of users |
Used by a user within an investigation
Uniqueness constraint facility, name
Card | Class | Field | Cascaded | Description |
0,* | InvestigationInstrument | investigationInstruments | Yes | |
0,* | InstrumentScientist | instrumentScientists | Yes | |
1,1 | Facility | facility | The facility which has this instrument |
Field | Type | Description |
name | String [255] NOT NULL | A short name identifying this instrument within the facility |
description | String [4000] | A description of this instrument |
fullName | String [255] | The formal name of this instrument |
url | String [255] | A URL associated with this instrument |
type | String [255] |
Relationship between an ICAT user as an instrument scientist and the instrument
Uniqueness constraint user, instrument
Card | Class | Field | Cascaded | Description |
1,1 | User | user | ||
1,1 | Instrument | instrument |
An investigation or experiment
Uniqueness constraint facility, name, visitId
Card | Class | Field | Cascaded | Description |
1,1 | InvestigationType | type | ||
0,* | InvestigationGroup | investigationGroups | Yes | |
0,* | Publication | publications | Yes | |
0,* | InvestigationParameter | parameters | Yes | |
0,* | Dataset | datasets | Yes | |
0,* | StudyInvestigation | studyInvestigations | Yes | |
0,* | Keyword | keywords | Yes | |
0,* | Shift | shifts | Yes | |
0,* | InvestigationUser | investigationUsers | Yes | |
0,* | Sample | samples | Yes | |
0,* | InvestigationInstrument | investigationInstruments | Yes | |
1,1 | Facility | facility |
Field | Type | Description |
visitId | String [255] NOT NULL | Identifier for the visit to which this investigation is related |
endDate | Date | |
summary | String [4000] | Summary or abstract |
startDate | Date | |
doi | String [255] | The Digital Object Identifier associated with this investigation |
name | String [255] NOT NULL | A short name for the investigation |
title | String [255] NOT NULL | Full title of the investigation |
releaseDate | Date | When the data will be made freely available |
Many to many relationship between investigation and group which might be used within authorization rules. Please see InvestigationUser
Uniqueness constraint grouping, investigation, role
Card | Class | Field | Cascaded | Description |
1,1 | Investigation | investigation | ||
1,1 | Grouping | grouping |
Field | Type | Description |
role | String [255] NOT NULL | A role showing the position of the members of the group with respect to the investigation |
Represents a many-to-many relationship between an investigation and the instruments assigned
Uniqueness constraint investigation, instrument
Card | Class | Field | Cascaded | Description |
1,1 | Investigation | investigation | ||
1,1 | Instrument | instrument |
A parameter associated with an investigation
Uniqueness constraint investigation, type
Card | Class | Field | Cascaded | Description |
1,1 | Investigation | investigation | The associated investigation | |
1,1 | ParameterType | type | The type of the parameter |
Field | Type | Description |
numericValue | Double | The value if the parameter is numeric |
stringValue | String [4000] | The value if the parameter is a string |
dateTimeValue | Date | The value if the parameter is a date |
rangeTop | Double | The maximum value of the numeric parameter that was observed during the measurement period |
rangeBottom | Double | The minimum value of the numeric parameter that was observed during the measurement period |
error | Double | The error of the numeric parameter |
A type of investigation
Uniqueness constraint name, facility
Card | Class | Field | Cascaded | Description |
1,1 | Facility | facility | The facility which has defined this investigation type | |
0,* | Investigation | investigations | Yes |
Field | Type | Description |
description | String [255] | A description of this type of investigation |
name | String [255] NOT NULL | A short name identifying this type of investigation |
Many to many relationship between investigation and user. It is expected that this will show the association of individual users with an investigation which might be derived from the proposal. It may also be used as the basis of authorization rules. See InvestigationGroup if you wish to separate authorization rules from who is on the proposal.
Uniqueness constraint user, investigation, role
Card | Class | Field | Cascaded | Description |
1,1 | User | user | ||
1,1 | Investigation | investigation |
Field | Type | Description |
role | String [255] NOT NULL | A role such as PI showing the position of the user with respect to the investigation |
A run of an application with its related inputs and outputs
Card | Class | Field | Cascaded | Description |
0,1 | DataCollection | outputDataCollection | ||
0,1 | DataCollection | inputDataCollection | ||
1,1 | Application | application |
Field | Type | Description |
arguments | String [255] |
Must be related to an investigation
Uniqueness constraint name, investigation
Card | Class | Field | Cascaded | Description |
1,1 | Investigation | investigation | The investigation to which this keyword applies |
Field | Type | Description |
name | String [255] NOT NULL | The name of the keyword |
To store call logs if configured in
Card | Class | Field | Cascaded | Description |
Field | Type | Description |
query | String [4000] | The query specified in a read operation |
operation | String [255] | The operation |
duration | Long | Duration of call in milliseconds |
entityName | String [255] | The name of the first entity involved if any for a read or write operation |
entityId | Long | The id of the first entity involved if any for a read or write operation |
A parameter type with unique name and units
Uniqueness constraint facility, name, units
Card | Class | Field | Cascaded | Description |
0,* | DatafileParameter | datafileParameters | Yes | |
0,* | SampleParameter | sampleParameters | Yes | |
0,* | PermissibleStringValue | permissibleStringValues | Yes | |
0,* | InvestigationParameter | investigationParameters | Yes | |
1,1 | Facility | facility | The facility which has defined this data set type | |
0,* | DataCollectionParameter | dataCollectionParameters | Yes | |
0,* | DatasetParameter | datasetParameters | Yes |
Field | Type | Description |
units | String [255] NOT NULL | The name of the parameter type units |
minimumNumericValue | Double | |
maximumNumericValue | Double | |
unitsFullName | String [255] | The formal name of the parameter type units |
applicableToDataCollection | boolean | If a parameter of this type may be applied to a DataCollection |
applicableToDatafile | boolean | If a parameter of this type may be applied to a data file |
valueType | ParameterValueType NOT NULL | enum with possible values: NUMERIC, STRING, DATE_AND_TIME |
enforced | boolean | True if constraints are enforced |
verified | boolean | If ordinary users are allowed to create their own parameter types this indicates that this one has been approved |
description | String [255] | Description of the parameter type |
name | String [255] NOT NULL | The name of the parameter type |
applicableToDataset | boolean | If a parameter of this type may be applied to a data set |
applicableToSample | boolean | If a parameter of this type may be applied to a sample |
applicableToInvestigation | boolean | If a parameter of this type may be applied to an investigation |
Permissible value for string parameter types
Uniqueness constraint value, type
Card | Class | Field | Cascaded | Description |
1,1 | ParameterType | type | The parameter type to which this permissible string value applies |
Field | Type | Description |
value | String [255] NOT NULL | The value of the string |
An allowed step for an INCLUDE identifed by the origin entity and the field name for navigation. Including an entry here is much more efficient than having to use the authorization rules.
Uniqueness constraint origin, field
Card | Class | Field | Cascaded | Description |
Field | Type | Description |
origin | String [32] NOT NULL | The origin entity |
field | String [32] NOT NULL | The field used to represent the relationship on the origin side |
A publication
Card | Class | Field | Cascaded | Description |
1,1 | Investigation | investigation |
Field | Type | Description |
repository | String [255] | The name of a repository where the publication is held |
repositoryId | String [255] | The id of the publication within the repository |
fullReference | String [511] NOT NULL | A reference in the form to be used for citation |
url | String [255] | A URL from which the publication may be downloaded |
doi | String [255] | The Digital Object Identifier associated with this publication |
Used to represent an arbitrary relationship between data files
Uniqueness constraint sourceDatafile, destDatafile
Card | Class | Field | Cascaded | Description |
1,1 | Datafile | sourceDatafile | ||
1,1 | Datafile | destDatafile |
Field | Type | Description |
relation | String [255] NOT NULL | Identifies the type of relationship between the two datafiles - e.g. "COPY" |
An authorization rule
Card | Class | Field | Cascaded | Description |
0,1 | Grouping | grouping |
Field | Type | Description |
crudFlags | String [4] NOT NULL | Contains letters from the set "CRUD" |
what | String [1024] NOT NULL | To what the rules applies |
A sample to be used in an investigation
Uniqueness constraint investigation, name
Card | Class | Field | Cascaded | Description |
0,* | Dataset | datasets | Yes | |
0,1 | SampleType | type | ||
1,1 | Investigation | investigation | ||
0,* | SampleParameter | parameters | Yes |
Field | Type | Description |
name | String [255] NOT NULL |
A parameter associated with a sample
Uniqueness constraint sample, type
Card | Class | Field | Cascaded | Description |
1,1 | Sample | sample | The associated sample | |
1,1 | ParameterType | type | The type of the parameter |
Field | Type | Description |
numericValue | Double | The value if the parameter is numeric |
stringValue | String [4000] | The value if the parameter is a string |
dateTimeValue | Date | The value if the parameter is a date |
rangeTop | Double | The maximum value of the numeric parameter that was observed during the measurement period |
rangeBottom | Double | The minimum value of the numeric parameter that was observed during the measurement period |
error | Double | The error of the numeric parameter |
A sample to be used in an investigation
Uniqueness constraint facility, name, molecularFormula
Card | Class | Field | Cascaded | Description |
1,1 | Facility | facility | The facility which has defined this sample type | |
0,* | Sample | samples | Yes |
Field | Type | Description |
name | String [255] NOT NULL | |
safetyInformation | String [4000] | Any safety information related to this sample |
molecularFormula | String [255] NOT NULL | The formula written as a string -e.g. C2H6O2 for ethylene glycol |
A period of time related to an investigation
Uniqueness constraint investigation, startDate, endDate
Card | Class | Field | Cascaded | Description |
1,1 | Investigation | investigation |
Field | Type | Description |
startDate | Date NOT NULL | |
comment | String [255] | |
endDate | Date NOT NULL |
A study which may be related to an investigation
Card | Class | Field | Cascaded | Description |
0,1 | User | user | The user responsible for the study | |
0,* | StudyInvestigation | studyInvestigations | Yes |
Field | Type | Description |
name | String [255] NOT NULL | The name of the study |
description | String [4000] | A description of the study and its purpose |
status | StudyStatus | The status of the study. Possible values are: NEW, IN_PROGRESS, COMPLETE, CANCELLED |
startDate | Date | The start date of this study |
Many to many relationship between study and investigation
Uniqueness constraint study, investigation
Card | Class | Field | Cascaded | Description |
1,1 | Investigation | investigation | ||
1,1 | Study | study |
A user of the facility
Uniqueness constraint name
Card | Class | Field | Cascaded | Description |
0,* | InvestigationUser | investigationUsers | Yes | |
0,* | UserGroup | userGroups | Yes | |
0,* | Study | studies | Yes | |
0,* | InstrumentScientist | instrumentScientists | Yes |
Field | Type | Description |
name | String [255] NOT NULL | The name of the user to match that provided by the authentication mechanism |
fullName | String [255] | May include title |
Many to many relationship between user and group
Uniqueness constraint user, grouping
Card | Class | Field | Cascaded | Description |
1,1 | Grouping | grouping | ||
1,1 | User | user |