ICAT Lucene Server Release Notes
Significant changes to the functionality and performance of searches:
- Ability to search on over 2 billion documents
- Enable sorting on specific entity fields
- "Infinitely" search the data by using the searchAfter parameter
- Faceted searches
- Replace single "text" field with specific fields that reflect the ICAT schema to allow field targeting
- Support for unit conversion on numeric Parameters
- Support for synonym injection
Fix compatibility with indexes built by icat.lucene 1.x
- Upgrade httpclient to 4.5.13
- Upgrade logback-classic to 1.2.0
- Upgrade from JavaEE to JakartaEE 10. Requires Java 11+ and an application server that supports JakartaEE 10 such as Payara 6.
- Upgrade lucene to version 5.5.5.
Changes to support Python 3. Now works on Python 2.7 and Python 3. Note: support for Python 2.6 is now dropped.
Fixes date queries on datafiles
Make it work with icat.server 4.9.1 and bug fixes
- A new modify call has been added to replace the original add,
update and delete calls. This allows many modifications to be sent in
one call for compatibility with icat.server 4.9.1
- Allow environment variables to be use in the run.properties