Project Information

This document provides an overview of the various documents and links that are part of this project's general information. All of this content is automatically generated by Maven on behalf of the project.


AboutThis is the SIMPLE Authentication plugin for ICAT. It uses no external backend to store the credentials or to verify them. Instead the credentials are statically configured in the properties file. This is mostly useful if you need a separate plugin for one single or at most a very few special accounts. A common use case might be that you authenticate all your users against some external source, such as LDAP, but this source does not provide an entry for your ICAT root account. In this situation you might want to use authn_simple to add the root account to your ICAT.
Project SummaryThis document lists other related information of this project
DependenciesThis document lists the project's dependencies and provides information on each dependency.
Issue TrackingThis is a link to the issue management system for this project. Issues (bugs, features, change requests) can be created and queried using this link.
Project LicenseThis is a link to the definitions of project licenses.
Project PluginsThis document lists the build plugins and the report plugins used by this project.
Source RepositoryThis is a link to the online source repository that can be viewed via a web browser.